
Blue Eyed Buck

So. . .

This happened yesterday:







Kim and I have talked at length about our next steps with this little herd of ours and the answer is that we have no definitive answer yet.

We know we love keeping our three ladies.

We know Mama is a pain in the ass on the stand.

(We are still hopeful that will shift before she dries up entirely. . .a race to the finish for sure.)

We know we’ll be here on this property through the spring of 2018 and possibly beyond.

We know we want to breed Lucy and Ethel now that they’re full grown.

We know Mama’s milk is divine.

We don’t know what it really means to keep a buck but we’ve done some research and are feeling as confident as we can given our Newbie status.

We know that bucks are stinky and gross.

(I mean really, in what world is a face full of pee attractive?!)

We know that milk lines are important and passed down through the males to the females.

We know that a blue eyed buck (or doe) will sell for more than a brown eyed buck (or doe).

We know that stud fees and travel costs (hard and soft. . .gas and work loss) would add up to well beyond the cost of his purchase (even with fencing supplies included).

And so, after asking and looking around for months. . .

After many a conversation and debating the pros and cons. . .

We made the short trek south yesterday and picked up a blue eyed buck to bring home to the ladies.

(Because there surely aren’t enough balls in the air already.)

He’s sweet, calm, and handles fairly well (a 4H Baby), is just five months old, comes from good stock, and is gorgeous.

He is also very stinky and has a (potential) horn problem (scurs from a bad disbudding).

And he already has the ladies in a tizzy…which is the point.

Ethel and Mama are going head to head (literally) any time he’s around.

Lucy is a little more aloof, though definitely interested.

So we spent yesterday fencing in the area across from the current goat pen with electric fencing, getting to know the little guy, and watching the ladies as they got to know him, too.

The hope is for pure studliness on his part and acceptance on the girls’ parts. . .April and May babies. . .more does than bucks. . .gorgeous markings. . .a few blue eyes. . .and tons of milk for babies and humans alike ๐Ÿ˜‰

Also, gotta hope for limited drama. . .break outs. . .ridiculousness, etc.

I can only handle so much.

Now to just name our little blue eyed buck!

What do you think? ย Shall we keep with our trend and call him Ricky?

(Luuuuucy…you have some esplaining to doooo! ๐Ÿ™‚ )



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5 Comments on “Blue Eyed Buck

  1. Oh wow! He looks lovely, but yeah…the stink you can keep lol

    Horses have sideways pupils too, and as they don’t like you looking them in the eye, I just avoid looking at them ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I hope all the goatly plans come to fruition…and I must say, the views around where you live look stunning!!!

    1. Thanks, Linda! I’m hopeful he’ll do his job and our lovely ladies will provide some healthy, gorgeous babies for us ๐Ÿ™‚ Northern New Mexico is divine geologically. Formed mostly by volcanic activity our mountains are quite the sight with all their layers and textures. Born and raised here, I’m continuously blown away by our views <3

  2. Aw, he’s a beauty! (Although goat’s eyes always freak me out with their sideways pupils…) Good luck with the breeding!

    1. I agree about their eyes! So strange, and *so cool! Thanks for the good wishes! Fingers crossed!

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