Everything Else

Red Delicious Apples



There’s a gorgeous old apple tree on the property that is incredibly prolific and massive in size.  It maintains its green leaves and produces good sized apples much later in the season than the other trees and is home to the gorgeous Nuthatch bird I asked for your help identifying earlier this year.

And yet, we had no idea what variety of apple it produces and neither did our Landlady.

In search of the collective intelligence out there, I asked everyone on  Instagram and Facebook a couple of weeks ago what variety of apple these gorgeous guys might be before taking one into our local apple expert at the Farmers’ Market and it was fun to read all the opinions that flew around!  Everything from Fujis to Cortlands to Honey Crisp to Galas and beyond!

So, when I took my apple into the expert he gave it a good look, pulled out his knife, cut off a piece, smelled it, and then tasted it before declaring, “Red Delicious”!

And so, the massive old tree down by the garden shed and goat pen is, in fact, a Red Delicious.

Another Rental Mystery solved!

Now I just need to remember to take samples from the other two trees to him next year since we don’t know what those are either 😉



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5 Comments on “Red Delicious Apples

  1. It’s funny, I’m not really an apple eater, but my kids are. None of us like red delicious…well we don’t like SUPERMARKET red delicious…but fresh from the tree or the farmers market they taste like entirely different apples. Same goes for golden delicious. These were always the most hated apples of my childhood…mushy, soft, over sweet, nasty! Yet we went to a pick your own farm and ate one from the tree…they were amazing! I hate what we do to fruit to sell it commercially 🙁

    Enjoy your delicious red delicious!

    1. It amazes me how different fruits and vegetables taste homegrown vs. conventionally grown. Ember pretty much refuses to eat anything not in season…she can taste the difference and simply says no. If everyone knew what they are missing out on, I think our approaches to food would change 😉

      1. Good on Ember! My guys loudly proclaim ” why do they have grapes muma? Grapes are NOT in season now! ”
        We also get a lot of fruit from the USA and again, the kids check the stickers or the signs to see where it’s from. My beginning reader could read USA before many other words…and we’d know to not buy that fruit 😉

        I think about the missing out thing extends to so many other areas too…if only folk knew so much more….there would be so much change for the better in all areas!

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