…who stands out from the rest, isn’t there?
One whose feathers are different than all of her sisters…
One who grabs your heart (even when you’ve promised yourself to not let that happen again this year like it has in the past)!
Two years ago it was Lavender Lily, this year its Cinnamon Girl.
Isn’t she just lovely?!
No, we don’t actually name our laying hens, but sometimes nicknames are created on accident 😉
Also, who knew I’d ever go gaga over a silly dinosaur-bird?! Geez…
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Hello friend! Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and for your sweet comments on my blog! Xoxo
Ngofamilyfarm recently posted…knitted newborn layette
Of course, my friend 🙂 xoxo
Beautiful little hen and great name!
Ahh, she is beautiful! What kind is she? I have favourites too. One giant light Sussex called Whitey ( as named by the at the time 4yo ) and a barred Plymouth Rock called Flo. Mine are favourites because of their personalities rather than looks…these ladies are characters! Flo follows us about and loves to chat to me as I’m grilling on the bbq. Whitey is my coop cleaning companion 🙂
All ours are named, well the layers…we’re not naming the babies until we know gender for sure, then the roos will be ” the boys ” and will be eaten…and any girls will get a name and stay to lay….. I love our chooks!
They are such characters! We don’t name ours because they become stew once production falters but a few have accidental names 😉 She is just an Easter Egger, but I love how rich her coloring is! We’ve never had one like her before 🙂