Basket of peaches
Eat - Harvest

In the Kitchen – Peaches!


Kim and Ember - first peach harvest


basket of peaches

ripe peaches

Ember eating peaches

Yes, the Peach Abundance is starting to roll in and I couldn’t be more excited!

I’ve never grown/harvested my very own peaches before and there’s just something about The First Time, isn’t there?

So, with about 1/3 of the tree fully ripe and ready for harvest, we spent Sunday picking, sorting, eating, and putting up the bounty.

There were muffins, peaches and cream, baked peach butter from this book, peach slices cut from fallen fruit that have been drenched in honey for yogurt and snacks during the week, and there are whole peaches sitting in a brown paper bag for eating whole at will.

We anticipate the next wave will be ready at the end of this week and will then can up some peach halves and some boozy peaches (though we haven’t decided on Rum or Whiskey), and probably dehydrate a few for good measure (maybe to sprinkle on top of some oatmeal in January or February when my bones are aching for summer again).


Now, what am I missing?  Surely there are other ways to preserve the magic that is a good peach harvest! Do tell, what is your favorite way to eat and put up fresh, juicy peaches?


Linking up to Harvest Monday


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14 Comments on “In the Kitchen – Peaches!

    1. Ooohhh…I like the way you think! I think a comparison of boozy peaches is definitely in order 🙂

  1. Those peaches look delicious! How exciting to get to harvest them for the first time. I planted three peach trees this year, so maybe, just maybe in a few years I will have a glut of peaches. Although I’ve heard that peach trees can get lots of pests and diseases here, even though I live in the land of peach trees.

    1. Oh how exciting! Are they three different varieties or all the same?! This is only our second summer on the property and last year we had no peaches at all (late frost) so we’re super stoked!

  2. Hi Melissa. What luscious looking peaches there! I am quite envious as the ones we can buy here are poor shadows of what they should be and we do not grow them. I have got a couple of small boxes though that I am going to try to turn into peach & chilli chutney this week, so if it works out as I hope I’ll let you know, in case you might like the sound of it

    1. Oh my! Yes, please tell me how that peach and chile chutney turns out! It sounds like it’d be right up my alley! Thank you so much!

  3. Those peaches are lovely! I have peach envy as all ours had brown rot, which is bad in our area. We bought some at an orchard, and I like to slice them, toss with a bit of sugar and freeze. They are great when thawed, nice for my breakfast cereal. I also thought peach ice cream like Michelle, but I make a peach sorbet that’s nice. We also make peach leather, just puree with a little honey then dry on a dehydrator sheet, if you have one.
    Dave@OurHappyAcres recently posted…Harvest Monday August 15, 2016My Profile

    1. Ah yes! Peach leather! Thanks for that…I’m betting my toddler will *love that! Thank you, Dave!

    1. Oh yes, peach ice cream! I do believe we still have our ice cream maker stashed somewhere in the garage! I’ll have to hunt around a bit for it! Thank you, Michelle!

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