
Broody Buff

I’ve been frustrated by the fact that I haven’t had time to blog about all of the happenings around the farm these days because of all the happenings around the farm and beyond the farm!

And so I’ve been posting to Instagram in a micro-blogging fashion in an attempt to keep up and while it’s a nice alternative and I do enjoy the platform, it’s really just not the same!

And so, here I am!

I may be two weeks overdue for a post, but here I am none-the-less!

And so, maybe as I continue to get settled in my new job and as Ember gets settled in summer camp and as we get settled back into our Family Groove after 6 weeks of family visiting us, I’ll grant myself the space and time to blog again.

At least that’s the intention…the plan…despite what we all know about about plans and intentions 😉

Take, for example, my most recent attempt at our #localbite challenge that has completely fallen by the wayside.

Am I purchasing and eating locally grown fruits, veggies, and meats?  Yes!

Am I writing about it? Nope.

Am I beating myself up about it?  Yep.

Is it helping the challenge?  Nope.


And so, to bridge the gap between silence and sharing, micro-blogging and real blogging (whatever that means), without beating myself up, I thought I’d talk a bit about our Broody Buff.

See, if you follow me on Instagram, last week when I said we have not yet had one of our chickens hatch out any baby chicks, I was feeling a little sad about it all.

I mean really, we’ve got a big, gorgeous rooster doing his duty and not a single lady who wants to make babies with him!

Even one of his fellow Marans who has been sitting in the nesting boxes for months refuses any eggs we put under her even though she is acting like a total Broody Brooderson!  She literally sits on an empty nest and moves to another spot if you try to shove some eggs under her! Grrr…

Broody Maran

But finally, finally we have a broody Buff who has set up shop on a clutch of eggs on the floor of the coop, under the nesting boxes!!!

Our best guess is that, due to the Crabby Maran, some of the ladies started laying their eggs under the boxes and we just didn’t realize it (it’s not often that I get on my knees in the coop).  This must have triggered Buff to to go Broody and so there she sits!

Broody Buff

I have no idea how many eggs are under there or exactly when she decided to settle in for good but we’re hoping we’ll have some baby chicks running around here in another couple of weeks!

Ah yes, baby chicks!  New life!  Sweet fluff balls!

More to blog about!

Fingers crossed 😉

Hope you’re well and enjoying your summer so far!


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6 Comments on “Broody Buff

  1. I’ve missed your blog Melissa! Not getting any notifications, I will try to sign up again 🙂

    My partner and eldest son have just built a broody cage for our spring and we’re going to stick eggs under two of the broodies ( we have one who will guarantee to go broody and another very probable ) and see where we go! We don’t have a rooster here in suburbia, so we will be buying fertile eggs.

    I’ll be looking at your blog to see the babies you end up with!

    1. Ah! Oh no! I wonder what happened to make you stop getting notification?! I’m so glad you’re back, though!!!

      How fun to be planning for broody chickens! They’re such a hoot! Please share your experiences! Love hearing about new babies!

  2. Best of luck! I don’t want any more chicks this year but my chickens are disagreeing and I’ve had between 4 and 6 broody ladies lately that highly object to me removing their eggs!
    Jessie recently posted…It Can’t Be SnowingMy Profile

    1. Ha! They’re such silly ladies, aren’t they?! How many have you had hatch out this year?

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