Grow - Harvest

Garden Update – Early June

The garden has hit it’s June plateau.

You know, that space between prepping and planting and actual harvesting when all that seems to be thriving are the weeds?

Yeah, that.

But with the garden mostly in (minus some succession sowing and the greens bed I just tore out last weekend that needs to be planted out with cucumbers and sunflowers), I’m practicing my patience and reminding myself to be grateful for each and every harvest that comes from the garden…

Because even though there are no tomatoes or peppers yet, there are, in fact, harvests coming in:


A photo posted by Melissa (@evergrowingfarm) on

And for the first time in years, it looks as though we may have a banner fruit year!

Despite losing our apricots and one peach tree to spring frosts, we have one (smaller) peach tree that pulled through and a handful of nectarines are sizing up on random branches. The apple trees are full, the pears and cherries are happy, the mulberries are preparing to ripen, and the grapes will be in abundance (as long as we can keep the goats away from them between now and then)!

And so, while our blood, sweat, and tears will no doubt go into this years garden just as it did last years garden, there is so much to be grateful for and hopeful about! Including all of the blood, sweat, and tears of those who came before us and thought ahead enough to put in some fruit trees and grape vines.

watering the garden


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7 Comments on “Garden Update – Early June

  1. That’s what I forgot to grow, chamomile. Yours look lovely and that is a big basket of kale. Your fruits and berries are coming along beautifully. I love seeing the mountains and hills around your home.
    Phuong recently posted…Harvest Monday, 6/13/16My Profile

    1. Thank you so much! Be sure to add chamomile to your list for next year! 🙂

  2. Ooh, I love that fruit coming on! Talk about the promise of things to come. We’re in a weedy phase here too, though the spring crops are still hanging in there. Hopefully the goats will leave you some grapes (and the vines)!
    Dave @OurHappyAcres recently posted…Harvest Monday June 13, 2016My Profile

  3. You have so many wonderful things just waiting to be eaten it seems! What a wonderful harvest you guys will and and are even having now before its all ripe 🙂

    1. We are so very excited! The bounty is just around the bend!!!

  4. “all that seems to be thriving are the weeds”
    That seems to be the case here too, at least in our largest gardens.

    But my favorite part of your post is “there is so much to be grateful for and hopeful about.” That’s an important reminder. I too easily obsess over the things that aren’t going right, while seemingly taking for granted the buckets of delicious amazing food we’re getting.

    And what a spectacular view you have!

    1. Thank you, Bill! I won’t lie, I often have to remind myself of the beauty and the bounty, but it’s always right there for me to grace myself with 🙂

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