The sweet little fluff balls are starting to push out from beneath Mom and even harass each other a bit!
I still have no idea how many are in there…I’ve counted at least eight but there could be up to 14.
Time will tell.
Mama Mello, however, is still holding out on us.
Big as a bus and thoroughly uncomfortable, today marks day 148 (Day 3 of hostage negotiations).
Ember was so sweet with her yesterday, sitting with her, petting her, telling her it will all be OK and that the babies should just come out 🙂
Mama’s udder, though full for a while now, is significantly fuller and harder today…so maybe today will be the day?!
Again, that time thing.
Hopefully my next update will include actual kids and a so very tired and proud Mama!
I see the ducklings have dried off and fluffy now. So cute! Poor Mama Mello, she looks fit to burst. Hopefully the kids decide to make their appearance soon.
Ah, Karen! The kids *just came! You know there will be pics tomorrow!!!
Woot! Cute, cute, cute ducklets. Can’t wait to see pics of the tiny kids.
So cute, right?! Oh, I hope to share some kid photos very, very soon! The anticipation is killing me!