
Every Ounce Counts

We milked Mama for the first time today!

There was resistance and cooperation, more resistance, a bit of grain nibbling, a calm moment or two and more resistance.

Exactly how one might expect a goat to react who’s never been milked before.

No surprises here.

Poor Mama, though.

So, in an effort to keep the experience as positive for all of us as possible, we kept it short and sweet, only harassing her for a few short minutes before letting her go back to her babies (who were quietly laying down and not worried about Mama or their milk being stolen away at all).

And so, we walked out of the pen with about an ounce of milk to strain and taste and it was absolutely divine!

And yes, every single ounce counts 🙂

Beginning tomorrow, a new morning routine will be added to the rest:

And I couldn’t be more excited for it and for all of the milk bounty that is surely just on the other side of this learning curve.

Mamas Milk-the first milking

Mama and her bucklings

Bucklings - 29May2016


P.S. We still don’t have names for our two boys as we’re waiting to see more of their personalities come out before we decide what we’ll do which will determine if/when they’ll be named. I promise to let you know as soon as we know 🙂

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4 Comments on “Every Ounce Counts

    1. Ha! Excitement can always be expressed more than once! <3

  1. Oh my goodness just look at those baby boys!!! They are so sweet!

    I’m excited about your ounce of milk from Mama! What a cool adventure you’re embarking upon! What will you do with her milk? Cheese? Butter? Drink it!?

    1. We’ll mostly use it to make cheese, but the occasional drinking it straight or in hot tea is also a standby 🙂

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