
Disbudding Day

It truly was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

I’m not sure there are sufficient or appropriate words for today and there are no photos of the process.

Necessary? Yes.

Something we got through because we had to? Yes.

Terrifying/stressful/heartbreaking? Absolutely.

I did my best to soothe each baby, with it’s tiny head in my hands, with my touch and my voice.

I did my best to look into the sweet, innocent eyes of those babies and not fear that they would hate me forever.

I did my best to breathe deeply and keep myself as calm as possible, for myself as well as for Kim and those sweet kids…

And for E, who refused to nap today and so sat in the garage with us where she couldn’t see what was actually happening to the babies…she just knew that we were “helping them” but that they were going to be very sad and would cry a lot and that they would be OK.

She did so good.

Kim did so good.

Those babies did so good.

I did my very best.

And we all made it through…

With shaking hands and lumps in our throats and our hearts heavy with the weight of it all, we made it through.

And now all I can do is hope against all hope that we did it right.

Baby Boys - nap time


P.S. If you’re brave and curious and don’t know what I’m talking about, just Google ‘disbudding goats’. It’ll all come clear. I just don’t have it in me to describe.

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13 Comments on “Disbudding Day

    1. Thank you so much, Tonya. We are happy to have it behind us 🙂

        1. They’re doing totally fine! They don’t hate us and are as spritely as ever! They look awful, and were so hopeful we did it right and they won’t grow scurs, but they are doing great 🙂 thank you so much for checking in!

  1. Oh my! <3 I know that's one of the things I'm most scared about having to do next kidding season. Our two does are polled but we'll be breeding them to a horned buck, so there's a good chance we'll have to disbud at least a few kids, and it breaks my heart. But you're right… it is for the best, I think.

    1. It’s *such a hard decision, but for the safety of everyone, it’s so important. Best of luck with your breeding and deliveries! Baby goats are the best and more than make up for a very rough afternoon!

  2. Sending you hugs. Sometimes you’ve got to be brave and just do what needs to be done. I give you the farmer’s nod of approval.

    1. Thank you, Suzie!

  3. Sending you hugs. I’ve been thinking about goats and it’s good to know all that involves. I hope the kids heal quickly and well.
    Robin recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Robin! (((hugs)))

  4. Oh some sadness here and moist eyes. But I understand why you did what you did. In my innocent world of homesteader research ( of the homesteader with no homestead so it’s all theory!) I’ve read up on both sides. I flip flop between the two…but lean towards disbudding. You’re brave women ! go gently.

    1. Thank you for your kind and gentle words. It’s not for the faint hearted for sure, but part of the process we’ve signed up for. I’m happy to have it done and not have to think about for a long time 🙂

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