Grow - Harvest

Greens & Things

kale 2
mixed greens
speckled eggs
rosemary - parsley

As you may know about me by now, I always have such great intentions about growing a magnificent fall garden that will (naturally) evolve into a productive winter garden which will set us up for an incredibly bountiful spring…

And then I become exhausted by summer’s hectic schedule and distracted by fall’s fall and enveloped by winter’s hibernation…

And then spring rolls around and I find myself checking my poor, neglected greens for the first harvestable leaves kind of like a crazy person because I want so badly to just harvest something!

Maybe I should just embrace this part of myself, ha?  The part of me that holds the deep need to just rest once the big summer work is done…

Yeah…maybe 😉

In the interim, I’m checking my single bed of greens like a crazy person and nibbling on the random kale leaf that I deem big enough to snatch from the plant and either hand off to E or eat myself…

Because fresh food is the best food, even if it’s a single bite at a time, right?

tiny kale harvest

And yes, the garlic is healthy, holding all kinds of promise for the months ahead…

And a few of the herbs in my very, very sad herb bed are coming back…

And there are countless starts in the greenhouse waiting to make their move into the garden (not yet though!)…

And the chickens are laying and laying the most gorgeous eggs every single day which are happily feeding not only us, but three other families as well…

And so I will sow some more seeds, dig in the dirt, water every few days, and wait as patiently as possible for The Days of Bounty to once again arrive.


Linking up to Harvest Monday. Pop on over and check out the harvests of those who do better than I at growing their own deliciousness year ’round.

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13 Comments on “Greens & Things

  1. Gorgeous eggs! I’m lucky I live in a much more forgiving climate, if I don’t get around to doing a proper fall garden I can get a late start when I get my second wind in late fall and at least get something going for winter. What’s your instagram name, I can only see three photos when I click on your sidebar collage…
    Michelle recently posted…Harvest Monday – April 4, 2016My Profile

    1. Hi Michelle! Forgiving climates are a *very good thing 🙂 Lucky lady!

      Weird about the Instagram link on my sidebar! My handle is @evergrowingfarm 🙂

  2. Oh the wait from Spring to the summer harvests is HARD! But come summer….yay!

    For me, we’ve moved so often, I very rarely get to follow up my summer garden as we’re moving again…but now we own our place…there is no moving ( hmmm unless a farm comes up ha! )

    I’m working very hard right now on my fall garden! Beetroots and rainbow chard and peas are all in and happy, the summer rainbow chard is still going strong, onions still in the ground too! And I’ve just sown carrots and parsnips….garlic, broad beans and my leggy brassica seedlings to go in soon…..I WILL create a fall/winter garden 😀

    1. Ah! You’re so good! Maybe I can model next fall’s garden after you! So glad you can put down some roots and harvest the rewards! Doesn’t it feel nice to know what to expect?!

      1. It does 🙂 it’s wonderful to have security of owning ( even with a mortgage ) and knowing I get to,decide what happens with my garden!

        Good luck with the momentum to keep yours growing over fall and next winter!

  3. May you soon be swimming in a flood of delicious veggies! I too am anxiously awaiting…

  4. I always have to fight myself to get anything done for a fall garden. Like you, summer usually finds me worn out and ready to let the garden fend for itself! Those eggs are lovely, all lined up in a row. And yes, fresh food from the garden is THE best!!!

    1. Thanks, Dave! You may be worn out at the end of the summer, but you run circles around me in the Year Round Gardening department every single year 🙂 Keep up the good work!

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