
Let the planting season officially begin!

acequia - 2


We didn’t know for sure when they might open up the flood gates…we were told sometime between “Holy weekend” and April 1st…and so yesterday afternoon, with the dogs barking anxiously and a strange truck stopped down by one end of our property line, we were happy to realize that it was the Mayordomo checking the line as all the debris washed through the village to ensure it didn’t get backed up on anyone’s property.

Yes, we now have water…glorious water…running through the property…and we are so.very.excited about it!

There is just something about the sound of it that changes everything…

The whispers of Spring and potential and hope and promise!


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10 Comments on “Let the planting season officially begin!

    1. Hi Norma! Thank you for your questions 🙂 The water stays on all season, though the whole Village shares it so sometimes it’s down to a trickle here at the end (just a couple of days, a day at a time while other properties flood their crops). Our landlady set up some amazing infrastructure so we have a gate we can put down to slow the flow and a pump we put down into the stream that pumps the water to an irrigation system in our garden. I promise to pull together a whole post on this very soon, but hope this helps answer some of your questions 🙂 Have a wonderful day!!!

        1. We have an electric pump with our garden just across a narrow roadway from the acequia…luckily! It was smart how the owner set it all up 🙂

  1. Oh lovely!!! So glad that you have water on your property now! And I agree with your comment on the sound of water…it is enticing, cheering and calming, all at once! Cheers. Looking forward to more news on what you plan to plant.

    1. Thank you 🙂 We’re very excited for the season to take off! Hope you’re having a lovely week!

  2. Oh how exciting!!! It looks wonderful, and I love the happiness in humans and dogs alike 🙂 hope it’s a wonderful growing season for you guys!

    Can I ask, do you have town water or tank water to your home? Could you use that to irrigate with? What do folk do who don’t have that acequia on their land…or do they all have it? How do you water your animals when the acequia isn’t flowing?

    1. Hi Linda! Of course you can ask 🙂 In the rural areas, many properties have water rights…either an acequia directly on their property or an offshoot of a main acequia that land users can have access to on a schedule with other land users. Most rural properties have a well, but since we’re in the high desert and the water table can be a challenge, very few people are willing to water crops, gardens, and animals off their wells. Many landowners with livestock let their animals have a small area of access directly to the river, if they’re lucky enough to have water front property. Most people without acequia access will not keep many (if any) animals or crops. During the coldest months when the acequia isn’t running, we water our animals off the well, hauling buckets every morning and night. It’s not fun, but it’s part of the process 🙂 Hope this helps! I’ll add this topic to the bigger acequia post I still need to pull together 😉

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