

ducks - bath time
ducks and landscape
dirty duck foot
drake feathers

Because we don’t have enough to do already…

Because Kim is the Queen of Craigslist..

Because the bugs here are insane…

Because we’re always up for learning about something new…

Because sometimes the turn around time from idea to research to implementation is quite quick here…

Because we enjoy challenging ourselves…

And because we can…

We have welcomed two Muscovy ducks into our lives!

They will live, temporarily, in the garden in a make shift shelter for now in an attempt to get a head start on some of the bugs that are just beginning to wake up. Β We’ll establish permanent housing for them elsewhere before the garden goes in.

I have no doubt that these two ducks will bring all kinds of fun to the farm in the days, weeks, and months ahead…and maybe even some actual ducklings!!!

Also, they need names! Β We have a male/female (drake/duck) pairΒ here, so…wanna have some fun and suggest some names for us?

And the adventure continues πŸ™‚


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12 Comments on “Ducks!!!

  1. I have baby Muscovy’s. We have four in the brooder! We have 5 Khaki Campbell’s and a Peking. I like ducks almost more than my chickens!

    1. Oohhh…I’m so curious to learn their personalities! I loved keeping turkeys last year and seeing how different they are than chickens!

  2. Oooh ducks!!! I love that you guys just went out and got some ducks! I think I’m far too sensible for my own good…we’ve wanted ducks for years…we still don’t have said ducks lol

    I have no names, but I LOVE that picture of the foot ( flipper?? Or is it called a foot? ) . I won’t get my kids suggesting names, we had a chook pair called Meghan ( Trainor ) and Taylor ( swift ) sigh…

    1. Ha! Kim is the Queen of moving things forward swiftly πŸ™‚ I tend to play the Devil’s Advocate, we talk it all out, then jump. So far, so good πŸ™‚

      Lol…yeah…let your kids name things and you never know what you’ll get, right?!

  3. Congrats on the new additions!

    As for names, how about Daisy and Duke? Lucky and Charm? Waddle and Quack? πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Karen! We’re very excited about them! Love your name suggestions πŸ™‚

  4. Ducks! Fun! I got nothing for names, though the Marsh and Mallow made me laugh. At one point we had ducks named, Snap, Crackle, Pop, Marshmallow and butter! πŸ™‚
    Jessie recently posted…Cogling by Jordan ElizabethMy Profile

    1. Lol…I love those names! Animals are so fun to name, aren’t they?

  5. Clap clap clap to the decision you’ve finally made about the ducks πŸ™‚ I’m excited to read more about them now. It is indeed an Ever Growing Farm, isn’t it? πŸ˜€ How about Marsh and Mellow? LOL..That sounds ridiculously funny but why not? πŸ™‚

    1. Ha! Marsh and Mellow is hilarious!!! πŸ™‚ Yes, Ever Growing indeed! Thank you for your enthusiasm and continued support! We might be a bit crazy, but it sure is fun!!!

  6. I saw one of them take a bath on IG. πŸ™‚
    Names? How about Drumph? After the real family name of Trump. Drumph the duck.

    1. Lol…I think I like my ducks too much to name them after such a schmuck πŸ˜‰

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