
It just keeps getting better…


green and pink eggs

Not only is one of our Buff Orpingtons on a roll with her almost daily laying of a sweet, pink, egg…

But now one of our black and white Easter Eggers has started up again, too, with a very light green (and very long) egg almost daily as well!

Oh yes, we just might get to stop purchasing eggs again!

Interestingly enough, though, our Marans have mysteriously stopped laying since these two picked up again.  Maybe they got tired of holding down the fort and are taking a little break now that the other two are stepping up their game 😉

Regardless, I am one happy Mama!


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8 Comments on “It just keeps getting better…

  1. Hi Melissa, as I was enjoying all your pictures, I saw your black t. I had forgotten you had one simular to mine. We just lost our cat, Cole,, he was 18 and his kidney failed. I have missed him every day. Seeing your baby helped. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh Cheryl! I am so sorry for your loss and am glad you were able to share so many years together ❤️

    1. Oh how wonderful! We’re thinking about getting some layers this year that will give us white eggs…what breed do you have?

      1. Our leghorn cross gave us white eggs, and our barred Plymouth Rock gives us eggs that aren’t white, but exceptionally pale. I’m not sure if you have those breeds in the USA ( I’m in Australia )? We used to have an araucana too, and remember that beauty of the green blue egg!

        1. We are planning to get a handful of Leghorn chicks in March (so, two waves of chicks this year, which is new for us)! We have a bunch of Ameracaunas/Easter Eggers with a couple of blue layers i addition to the gorgeous greens and I just *love them!

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