Everything Else

Counting the days…

I’m not sure where the time has gone, but the last month has disappeared and I’d have to stop and think real hard about what each of the minutes and hours has disappeared into.

There’s been work and chores and toddler busy-ness…there’s been this cruddy cold that’s hung on for weeks on end…and there’s been a blanket of funk that has attempted to envelope me time and time again.

And so, I’m counting my blessings and counting the days until I can enjoy a bit of vacation…some quiet time alone with my family without so many outside distractions…something I haven’t had in a very long time.  No, we’re not going anywhere, so maybe I should call it a Staycation, but I will have eleven entirely glorious days that I will not have to go to work, work from home, or (hopefully) even think about work between Christmas and the New Year.

I’m planning to paint and read and crochet…I’m planning to unplug and meditate and plan 2016’s garden…I’m planning to write and organize and just be…I’m planning to drink tons of hot beverages, eat some delicious foods, and watch some movies…and I’m planning to spend copious amounts of time outside with Sprout.

But first I have to make it through the next week and a half.

And so, thank you for your patience while this space has been quieter than I may have planned or liked it to be. I will get you all updated on my (finally completed) Sky Blanket, pull together November’s Changing Seasons pics, and update you on Mama Mello’s sex date as soon as possible 🙂

In the meantime, I hope you have a glorious day and a fantastic week full of fulfilling work and some good fun!

rolling rounds


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2 Comments on “Counting the days…

    1. Oops is right! Geez…the silly thing is, I want to do it *all! 🙂 Happy Holidays!!!

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