Everything Else


Bourbon Red Turkeys

Ember with Prayer Flags

fallen leaves and broken gates

Broad Breasted Bronze Tom

Orchard falling

Today started well before dawn with me jolting awake to the sound of Ember screaming downstairs.

Apparently I’d missed her 2am wake up call which brought her and Kim downstairs in the middle of the night, though her screams at 4:00 brought me out of the Dream World with a nasty jolt.

Turns out she just didn’t want her diaper changed.

And so I sat up with my girl and my lady for an hour before they both fell back asleep on the couch.  Then, I did the dishes, made some hot tea (not sure why I waited so long), and went upstairs to my office to start the work day early because…well, why not?

When they woke back up at 8:00, I came downstairs and made tea for all of us before going back up to work some more.

So, at lunch time, I’d almost worked a full day and took the opportunity to play outside with E for a bit while she, the turkeys, chickens, and goats free-ranged, explored, and got some wiggles out.

We also got the Prayer Flags up (finally).

Of course, there was still more work to do, so we didn’t stay out for long, but oh how wonderful that break was!

I tell you, staring at a screen all day does wonders for crossing ones eyes and feeding that deep down yearning to do something else (farm!) for a living.

And so now I’ll turn this screen off, put the animals away, pour an adult beverage, eat some dinner (chicken and sweet potatoes), and crochet my way into the evening.

Happy Weekending, my friends. See you tomorrow for coffee!


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