Everything Else - Grow - Harvest

The Changing Seasons – October in Review

October marks, for me, the official beginning of Fall. The slide from warm days and comfortable evenings quickly gives way to bipolar weather patterns (hot, toasty days followed by very cold nights…torrential downpours with hail and flooding, followed by crispy dry weeks on end) and, inevitably, the first fire of the season (which was especially exciting this year because of the amazing wood stove in the farmhouse we are renting).

October brought us the last apple from a tree that didn’t give many this year…It brought us the last super full moon of the year…And it brought us some massive garden clean up and our biggest harvests yet (potatoes and tomatoes and carrots and corn, oh my)!  There were seeds to plant (spinach, chard, and lettuces, mostly), goat sheds to insulate, amazing light to capture, fun foggy mornings to play in (the Chama River does a wonderful job of creating some fantastically foggy views), and the last of the herbs to dry and put away.

The range of opportunities and experiences October affords always feels so bountiful to me and provides the perfect transition from full on production and go-go-going all the time, to a bit calmer existence…One that allows for the pulling in of self in time and space to allow healing, processing, and regrowth over the coldest months in preparation for the flurry of hope and activity that Spring brings in with her.


Linking up to Cardinal Guzman’s The Changing Seasons – Pop on over to see how people around the world are watching the seasons change as each month goes by.

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4 Comments on “The Changing Seasons – October in Review

  1. Lovely gallery as always. Wish I had some herbs to dry as well, so that I could season my meals during the winter.
    Thanks for the tip on UFC fights, I’m getting some more episodes as we speak! Something to look at during these cold, dark evenings. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Cardinal! I really enjoy pulling the galleries together so thank you for hosting!

      Oohhh…I do hope you enjoy the fights I mentioned! My personal experience with Martial Arts and kickboxing is limited but my passion for the sport has never wavered! 🙂 Good stuff!

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