Everything Else

Blowing Snow as a Catalyst for Questioning Everything

I posted this picture to Instagram this morning with a little caption about questions…

…and I really meant it in that moment.

You know, as we were rushing out of the house at the crack of dawn with blowing snow, frigid temperatures, and the Aha moment that I really need to up my winter layers game (and no, it’s not even winter yet, but I really don’t like being out in the cold).

Truth be told, though, I often find myself questioning what we’re doing. And yes, like I said in my last post, this is where we are supposed to be and I do believe at the very core of my being that this whole homesteading adventure is worth every step and stumble, every blister and splinter, every failure and success.

However, that deep seated knowledge doesn’t stop my questioning of all.the.things when it’s cold, dark, and miserable and my mind snaps to the fact that, surely, we must be insane.

And so, back and forth I go…usually several times within a single day…about whether or not we really are absolutely insane or just following our bliss (and not afraid of a little hard work).

Or maybe you can’t have one without the other?

And surely, if all of it was easy all the time, it might not be worth doing at all, don’t you think?


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4 Comments on “Blowing Snow as a Catalyst for Questioning Everything

  1. …whether or not we really are absolutely insane or just following our bliss (and not afraid of a little hard work)

    I wonder about that too. Last night when we were out with flashlights searching the pasture for a missing kid (when never found him) I wondered that. But insane or not, I love it.

    And the kid was contentedly nursing him mother this morning, unaware I’m sure that he’d ever been lost.

    1. Oh geez…I’m glad that kid was OK, but really?! Silly how we turn ourselves upside down for nothing for these animals of ours, is’t it?

  2. Surely if you didn’t question yourself on those nasty cold wet early mornings you’d hardly be human like the rest of us! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it’s a life that’s worth it, but you’ve got to work for it!
    Jessie recently posted…Weekly Photo Challenge: OrnateMy Profile

    1. I couldn’t agree more! It is such a funny game that plays out in my head from time to time, though ๐Ÿ™‚

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