

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweet Ember!

How quickly the last two years have passed and how quickly you are growing and learning every single day!

I am so grateful for your sweet kisses and your bear hugs and I love how you love the goats and chickens and turkeys and cats and dogs with every cell in your being, and I love how you drag me outside after a long day and encourage me to enjoy the property, the sunshine, the bugs, and the sunset!

Your two syllable words and full on (still babble filled) sentences are coming quick, though I wish I understood every single word you are trying to say…and yet I know that before I know it, you’ll be chatting my ear off with fully understandable sentences and paragraphs…and it will all be!

Favorite words and statements?

  • Yay and Yep actually mean “yes”
  • Gu-Papa means “Grandpa”
  • “I don’t know!”
  • “Are you OK?”
  • “What’s that?”
  • “I love you”
  • “Watch out!”

You love music, love to dance (Happy and Roar are continuous favorites) and are absolutely mesmerized by this video…

…and makes me think that we will need to put you in dance classes as soon as you’re just a little bit older 🙂 (…though I really hope you don’t want to pursue ballet because…as beautiful as it is, man is it hard on your feet!!!)

And you’re running and learning how to jump…you’re still a daredevil, still love to be in the garden and are still (and forever will be) the light of my life…

And when I think about who you are and who you’re becoming, I think about how sweet you are, how caring you are, how smart and intuitive and amazing you are, how you love to help and clean up and sing and cuddle and tell us exactly how you think it should all be (even if your idea of how it should be is different than us grown-ups).

I am so very blessed to be your mom and to have you as my daughter.

Thank you for being you, Sweet Ember.


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4 Comments on “Two

    1. Thank you, so much! She is very happy here, I can’t imagine it any other way 🙂

  1. Thank you, Karen 🙂 I know that she’ll do what she’s inspired to do…and will hold out hope it doesn’t involve bloody toes 😉

  2. What a sweetie-pie! My daughter took dance classes for many years, including ballet. But she switched over to jazz and hip-hop as a teenager, so she never wore the toe-shoes.

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