Everything Else

I’d planned for rain…


canning pinto beans

goat shed insulation
nasturtiums and calendula
the first fire
2015 Carrot Harvest 6
calendula flower
dried dill
Embers first jackolantern
grazing goats
Fall pear leaf
final basil harvest
fresh eggs

With Fall settling in, I have found myself vacillating between knowing that the To Do list is massive and feeling incredibly inspired and ready to get shit done…

And wanting to ignore it all and curl up on the couch with a fire in the wood stove, some hot tea in my hand, my crochet on my lap, and a movie on the screen.

All last week the forecast called for rain all weekend long and I was so ready for it! A rainy weekend would be the perfect excuse to not check anything off the To Do list with no guilt! Perfection!

And so I purchased the ingredients for Green Chile Stew and extra milk for copious amounts of black tea, and prepared to hole up.

But then the forecast changed (as it often does) and I woke up Saturday morning to blue skies and no excuses.

I won’t lie, I had to intentionally wrap my head around the shift in my weekend plans and put my Big Girl Pants on…

There were tomatoes to pull and cages to stack, basil and carrots to harvest and the last flowers to collect, beans to can and dried dill to store. The goat shed needed cleaning and insulating and people needed to be contacted about fire wood and goat breeding (different people 😉 ). There even wound up being jack-o-lanterns to carve (courtesy of last minute friend visits!), pumpkin seeds to roast, and brownies to bake.

And so it wasn’t the quiet do-nothing-and-feel-no-guilt weekend I had hoped for, but it was a good weekend none-the-less.

And truth be told, the To Do list is massive (and seems to grow each day, not shrink as it should) and there aren’t many weekends left between now the when the snow flies and the work isn’t all that bad after all…with the exception of goat pee, of course 😉

Oh! And that rain I’d planned for?  It showed it’s face after all! In perfect timing after Ember’s nap (which always allows us to do some of the grosser/more challenging tasks), the sky broke open in a flurry of lightening, thunder, down-pouring rains and a crazy hail storm.  It gave us the perfect excuse to close it all up, make some hot tea and take turns practicing some Self-Care (nail painting! music listening! mandala coloring! crocheting!).

Again, perfection.


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5 Comments on “I’d planned for rain…

  1. For me, it’s so much harder to get going in the morning when it’s cold outside.

    My evergrowing wintertime “To Do” list looms before me, but so do shorter days and a little extra time for coffee and napping.

    I really enjoy your photos. Beautiful.

    1. Oh yes, those cold mornings are the worst! I like the way you’re thinking, though, what with naps and coffee on the horizon! I may have to practice more that this winter 😉

      Thank you for your kid words about my photos! I’m *really enjoying my new camera! The learning curve is steep, but very worth it!

  2. I have SO been there…I’m quite looking forward to the respite that winter brings where I can completely ignore the outdoors and turn to my indoor projects. And your self-care list is right up my alley – what a perfect afternoon that would be! Now off to get my tomato trellises down…
    Margaret recently posted…Harvest Monday – October 19, 2015My Profile

    1. Margaret, Self Care is highly underrated! I hope you find the time for some very soon 🙂 Now, good luck with those tomato trellises!

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