Everything Else

The Morning After

Ember helping with morning chores
Ember and Logan
Meditation Beads
Prayer Flags
Super Moon Eclipse
Super Moon-Full Eclipse
Super Full Moon Setting
Super Moon Setting

I woke up this morning, feeling a bit beat up.

I’m not sure if it was the excited energy of yesterday (jam packed with chores and cleaning and prepping in anticipation of our good friends arrival for an evening full of good food, tasty drinks, and moon watching to go along with a sleep-over, or if it was the busy-ness of my jam packed six day work week last week, or if it was a combo of both and so much more. Whatever it was, though, when the sun started peeking over the ridge and lighting the morning sky, all I wanted to do was to pull the covers up over my head and pretend that it wasn’t, in fact, Monday morning. The struggle was real and my pounding head begged me to just stay put.

What I did instead, though, was drag myself up out of bed, made a big fat mug of hot tea, grabbed a blanket and my camera, and headed outside to meditate and get a few shots of the full moon setting behind the mountains.

The sound of the acequia, the chill in the air, the subtle awareness of how small we are in the Universe, the gentle vibration of meditation, the hot tea, the quiet slip of the moon behind the ridge, the gorgeous light on the mountain tops, …

Turns out, it was all exactly what I needed.


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2 Comments on “The Morning After

  1. Oh how awesome are your moon photos. The prayer flags and mala beads caught my eye also, I have some strung across my front porch. Glad the morning gave you the lift you needed.

    1. Thank you, Holly! I need a higher powered lens, but they came out pretty good considering what I have is not for night photography 🙂 thank you also for the kind words! Hope you have a lovely week!

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