Grow - Harvest

Mid August Garden Update!

We’re in a holding pattern in the garden right now.

Not because nothing is happening…

but because everything is happening (it’s just not all coming into the kitchen yet)!

Moon and Stars watermelon
pea blossom
radish flower
soy bean
Ember with fresh peas
summer squash blossom
summer squash
trio color bush beans
canning bush beans


We still have snap peas and beans coming in the door on a regular basis, as well as kale and basil.

Our newest harvest, though, is squash! Not at an overwhelming rate yet, but soon, very soon.

Also, just around the bend are:

  • soy beans
  • massive quantities of basil
  • tomatoes
  • grapes
  • cabbage



I’m thinking that with everything delayed in the garden due to our spring move and our later than ideal start, most things will be fully ripening either just in time for the wedding when we won’t have time to do anything with it but eat it or right before the first frost when we won’t have a choice but to preserve it in a rapid fire motion.

The grapes, however, could be harvested beginning now…but what does one do with what just might amount to a ton and a half of grapes?  We have both white and purple “table” grapes as well as some wine grapes but haven’t pulled any off the vine beyond for eating or teasing the goats yet simply because we don’t have a plan!  I don’t, however, want to surrender all of their delicious bounty to the birds (or the goats), so we’ll have to figure it out pretty quick!  I’m happy to take any of your ideas and suggestions for preserving and/or storing the grapes, so please feel free to share your knowledge and experiences in the comments below 🙂

(Hover over Lucy below and press play for some goat cuteness)


Regardless of the timing of it all, I’m simply grateful to be hauling in anything after our epic and ongoing battles with the weeds!

How are things going/growing in your neck of the woods?


Linking up to Harvest Monday over at Daphne’s Dandelion’s 🙂 Pop on over to see what people are harvesting right now around the world.

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11 Comments on “Mid August Garden Update!

  1. You have a lot of flex time with harvesting cabbages. When they are young they will be loosely packed, but still delicious. As they mature the leaves get more tightly packed. Eventually the head will split or the leaves start separating from the core at their base – especially if they go from dry to lots of rain. Then you’ve waited too long. My first cabbage is harvested young and I try to get the last before it splits and starts rotting.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! I think these two will *have to be harvested this weekend as they have both gotten *very firm over the past week!

    1. Thank you, Norma! Freezing and dehydrating sound like the perfect options and are on the agenda for this weekend! You know, I ate my first frozen grape just a few years ago and was absolutely shocked at how divine they are! Wo knew? 🙂

    1. Thanks, Katy! One is a few days ahead of the other so I’ll get to extend the experience 😉

  2. So envious of those grapes – they are in “the plan” at some point in the future. Can’t do everything in one go, but it’s hard being patient sometimes.

    Those are some great suggestions, especially the raisins. That should reduce the ton to a much more manageable amount and you’ll be able to enjoy them all winter long.

  3. I agree with Daphne’s suggestions, and there is also fruit leather. If you don’t have one it would be worth buying a dehydrator, even a cheap-o one. So many things can be reconstituted.

    1. Oooohhh, fruit leather! Brilliant! We do have a dehydrator so I think I’m going to have to pull it out and put it to work! Thanks, Marilee!

  4. Such pretty cabbages. I miss cabbage as mine is all eaten now. Well except the sauerkraut. If I had a ton of grapes I’d probably juice and can them. You can only eat so much jam. Though raisins would be interesting if you have a place to dry them.
    Daphne recently posted…Harvest Monday, 16 August 2015My Profile

    1. Love the idea of making our own raisins! They are my favorite on oatmeal during the cold months! I also like the idea of making our own grape juice! Do you have a favorite “recipe”/trusted method for doing so?

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