Everything Else

The Changing Seasons – June in Review

Maybe it’s the excitement of summer being officially upon us…with all of it’s hot sweaty-ness, fun potential, long days and short nights…but it’s flying by at a rapid pace and it’s all I can do to slow myself down a bit to enjoy the moments, the flashes in time, before they’ve raced past, on their way elsewhere.

The extreme heat and incredible dryness surprisingly let go as we slid into June and made way for cooler temps and more rain than we’ve seen in decades (though I haven’t seen official numbers).  The weeds and mosquitoes took over, making gardening a challenge while relieving the stress of potential wildfires.  There’s an upside and downside to everything, but I’ll take the weeds over the fires any day of any year…though I’d do pretty much anything to get rid of the mosquitoes 😉

The cooler June temps have also meant that my planted-way-too-late snap peas and kale have been thriving and gifting us our first harvests of the year from seeds sown by our own hands…another very good thing…

Feeding our bodies, feeding our souls.

To see larger views of each of the photos below, simply click on them 🙂

Wishing you all a lovely July!


P.S. I’m linking up to the Monthly Photo Challenge hosted by Cardinal Guzman. I will be spending at least the next year tracking the temperatures, weather, and general seasons (both through photography and through simple journaling/notes on the calendar) in an attempt to set us up for our best successes. All of the photos in this post were taken over the course of the month of April. You can find last month’s photos here.

Feel free to jump in on the challenge, or just pop around to the other posts! It’s lots of fun to see what the seasons look like around the world :-)

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4 Comments on “The Changing Seasons – June in Review

  1. Very different colours on the eggs. Which type of birds are they from? I don’t know much about farming, but I assume that they’re from different types of birds. Goats and chickens, it’s a small paradise you’ve got there.
    Cardinal Guzman recently posted…Mobile Musk Ox SafariMy Profile

    1. Hi Cardinal! Thanks for your question 🙂 The dark brown eggs are from Marans, the greens and blues are from Easter Eggers, and the pinks are from Buff Orpingtons. I absolutely love the rainbow of eggs we get each day from the hens 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Jen! I’m thoroughly enjoying all the picture taking 🙂

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