
Slow to Harvest

While we are not new to gardening, we are new to this space.

And while we have planted a bazillion seeds, they haven’t all germinated.

And while it feels as though this property has been our home for ages, it’s really only been a few months.

So, I have to remember that, though our first real harvests are just beginning to come in from seeds that have been sown by our own hands…

And though they feel so very late in comparison to the last several years…

They are truly right on time.

Caitlyn with harvest

The kale, snap peas, and radishes, usually done by this time, are happily humming along with all of the cooler temps and divine rains July has continued to grace us with.

The first planting of bush beans, despite the bed being fully overtaken by weeds, has begun to grant us with delicious, long, gorgeous beans.

And the basil, while still small, has a phenomenal taste and an incredibly pungent aroma.


Yes, things are slow to harvest this year…

The tomatoes are still tiny, there are squash bugs everywhere, and potatoes need to be hilled up again…

But with a bazillion seeds in the ground (and more planted each weekend), the continued rains, and our weeding hands, I am so very hopeful for this years garden.


Also, the 30+ pounds of mulberries we’ve pulled from the trees so far helps keep things in perspective:

This whole garden thing is not a sprint, it is truly a marathon 🙂


Happy harvesting, Friends!


To check out what others are harvesting right now, hop on over the Daphne’s Dandelions

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5 Comments on “Slow to Harvest

  1. Gardening in a new area during a time of changing climate can be a challenge. Take heart, I have yet to harvest a single bell pepper, or squash, or tomato, or cucumber from my summer garden this year. I did just bring in a nice harvest of garlic cloves, so that’s something.
    Lou Murray’s Green World recently posted…Growing a garden for the soul, 28 July 2015My Profile

    1. Thank you for this reminder! Everything is so very different…I have to remind myself that it takes time to adapt and be patient with myself 😉

    1. I tell you, I’ve never been so happy for so much green coming out of the garden 🙂 I am practicing my patience and waiting to see what the season does!

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