Everything Else

The Changing Seasons – May in Review

What a whirlwind the past couple of months have been…but May…oh man, May was a doozie in and of itself!

Between starting to get the garden in, deciding to get goats, getting ready for the goats, bringing a new pup into the family, late freezes, and a to-do list a mile long, the month simply flew by.

May was cooler than normal with cloudy, rain filled days, which, given our continuous need for water, was an amazing blessing! It greened everything up, including a bazillion weeds, and set the stage for a quick shift into some uncomfortably warm days (but I’ll have to talk more about that when I do my June review).

The bad news is, the late freezes took almost all of the remaining fruit on the trees.

The good news is, the late freezes didn’t take it all. With the mulberries, grapes, pie cherries, pears, and a few apples, there is (and will be) fruit to harvest for a while!


P.S. I’m linking up to the Monthly Photo Challenge hosted by Cardinal Guzman. I will be spending at least the next year tracking the temperatures, weather, and general seasons (both through photography and through simple journaling/notes on the calendar) in an attempt to set us up for our best successes. All of the photos in this post were taken over the course of the month of April. You can find last month’s photos here.

Feel free to jump in on the challenge, or just pop around to the other posts! It’s lots of fun to see what the seasons look like around the world 🙂

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2 Comments on “The Changing Seasons – May in Review

  1. Your place is so exotic to me. Turkey, chickens, hummingbirds and fruit! It’s good to hear that there’s still fruit!
    I’d probably end up making wine and jam with the fruit.
    Cardinal Guzman recently posted…A Drunken Night in KrakowMy Profile

    1. I love your choice of words, Cardinal! In all honesty, it’s still exotic to us, too! The life that is here, both tending by us and here before us, is truly awe inspiring 🙂 Thank you for your comment <3

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