

What an epic day yesterday was!

It started out like any other day…

Hot tea, a stroll through the garden, “Good mornings” to the goats and chickens, a text to my oldest daughter, the harvest of the first pea (!)…

Blue skies and coyote calls.

Nice enough.

Peaceful, really.

But definitely not epic.

Then, as I sat down at my desk, struggling to get motivated on a beautiful Friday morning (so very ready for the weekend), I got a text from the Human Rights Campaign notifying me of the SCOTUS ruling…

And it took me a few minutes to fully register the gravity of this ruling…

The broad sweeping meaning…

And how it affects so many of the people I hold dear to me.

How it affects Kim and I directly.

Then I walked downstairs, with tears in my eyes, and told Kim.

And she was equally shocked…and excited…but definitely shocked.

Because who knew this day would really come?

You hope for it and you work towards it and yet it was one of those things that just always felt so far away…

Until yesterday.

And so I watched my Facebook feed explode with love and stories and hope and pure joy from all over the country.

And I scrolled through Instagram and hearted all of the rainbows and regrams from all over the world celebrating with us, sending us even more love and positive energy.

(Social media can be such an amazing way to connect and share experiences, especially when you live in the boonies.)

So, after nine years of commitment…

Sharing friendship, love and mutual respect…

Building this crazy life of ours…

Raising children and chasing dreams…

Kim and I can get married now and have that marriage recognized in all 50 states.

Imagine that.

Epic indeed.

#lovewins, Friends. Love always wins.

Wishing you an epic weekend!


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8 Comments on “#lovewins

    1. Hasn’t the rainbow brightness been just phenomenal? I’ve been enjoying it all very much 🙂 Thank you for your love and support!

    1. So very happy here, too, Tonya 🙂 xoxo

  1. So good!!! So glad for you and everyone else who has been waiting for this day. Love wins indeed!!!!!

    1. Such an amazing ruling…so overdue, and apparently, right on time 🙂 Thanks for your support!

    1. Thank you so much, Teri! <3

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