Everything Else

Call us crazy…

We’ve gone and done it.

After years of dreaming and scheming, planning and searching, we’ve finally committed to getting some goats!

We spent most of the day yesterday visiting a couple of Nigerian Dwarf Goat farms a couple of hours south from us and decided on a sweet Mama (Sunset Plains Carmello) and her nine week old little girl (she’s the first one listed under Doelings).

Super cute, right? Which is really just an added bonus to all of the milk, love and affection we’ll get in exchange for their care!

We’re so looking forward to all this new chapter of adventure will bring, but I have to be honest here…I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the realness of it all, you know? These are real, live creatures who will be dependent on us for their safety and survival 24 hours a day. Their are coyotes to think about and personalities to figure out. There are supplies to purchase and daily routines that need to be written into our already jam-packed daily routines.

There’s also a bit of prep to do before they even get here next weekend! You know, the securing of fences and housing, the purchasing of food and supplies, and the calming of the nerves as well as the pure giddiness that’s got me smiling all the way down to my toes 😉

This is going to be real, alright. And so much fun!


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9 Comments on “Call us crazy…

  1. Goats are cool. Just a warning though… one end bites. The other kicks. Learned from experience!

    1. Lol…very true! They also push and shove! I got my butt kicked once by a Nubian…which is one of the reasons we decided on Nigerian Dwarfs (size and temperament).

  2. Congrats! My Aunt has goats and they are a riot to watch. Such BIG personalities in little furry bodies. I can’t wait to read all the anecdotes of their shenanigans 🙂
    Tonya recently posted…Revved Up RavioliMy Profile

    1. “*Big personalities”, isn’t that the truth?! I am so excited to learn each of theirs!

    1. Thank you, Jen!!!

  3. I wish I had space for goats. They are so cute. One spot where I hike occasionally a gal and her goats often wander by. The little ones are just too cute.
    Daphne recently posted…Fruit Tree ProtectionMy Profile

    1. Daphne, we have wished for years and are just beside ourselves with excitement 🙂

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