Homesteading - House & Home

Homestead Tour!

You guys, I cannot even begin to explain to you just how excited I am about our new house and the amazing property it sits on!  It almost seems unreal that everything we’ve been working for and planning for and dreaming about has manifested in such a wonderful rental!  So, instead of waxing poetic about our new home and why we’ve so happily chosen this homesteading path (and after a few requests from you all), I thought, “How about a photo tour of our new property?!”

I can always wax poetic another day 🙂

To view any of the pics in the gallery below in a bigger view, simply click on the image.

There you have it! Pretty amazing, right? We officially consider ourselves completely blessed!


P.S. I’m linking up to the Monthly Photo Challenge hosted by Cardinal Guzman. With this move, and our intention to stay here for a while, I will be tracking the temperatures, weather, and general seasons (both through photography and through simple journaling/notes on the calendar) in an attempt to set us up for our best successes. All of the photos in this post were taken over just a couple of days, but future posts will span the month.  Feel free to jump in, it’s lots of fun to see what the seasons look like around the world 🙂


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14 Comments on “Homestead Tour!

  1. It’s nice to see some photos from a farm – definitely a place that changes a lot during the seasons and especially during growing season!
    Is it possible to arrange the photos in a gallery so that you can flip through the gallery using the arrow keys? if so, that would have been helpful for us viewers.
    Thanks for your entry! I’m looking forward to see more!
    Cardinal Guzman recently posted…A night photo from Terceira, AçoresMy Profile

    1. Hi Cardinal! Thank you for popping over! I’d love to arrange the photos as you mentioned but haven’t been able to figure out how to do so! I’d welcome any tips or tricks you have 🙂

      1. I use the standard WordPress platform which is hosted by them. I don’t know how things work when you host your own blog, so I’m afraid that I can’t give you any good tips…
        Cardinal Guzman recently posted…Portraits of KnutMy Profile

        1. It may unique to the platform you’re using then. Bummer. Maybe I can find a plug or something 🙂

  2. So very happy for you and your family. I know the place will provide the space for your family to be truly ever growing.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! That is exactly our hope!!!

    1. Thank you, Sonya! The beauty makes all the work that much more worth it 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Jen!!!

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