
Fleeting Moments

This girl.

This sweet, strong, spitfire of a girl…keeping me on my toes…encouraging me to see the world through new eyes each and every day.  She reminds me to be present in this very moment (despite the ever growing To Do list ) by continuously showing me that nothing is constant…every thing is changing, growing, evolving around us all.the.time.

If I look away for just a second, I’ll miss it!

The laughter, the tears, all the Aha moments!

Looking through pictures of my sweet Ember, I see (really see) just how busy she is…how she’s learning every second of every day…how her emotions are right there on the surface…her curiosity, her sadness, her kindness, her pure joy…which reminds me that all of her experiences are right there for me to experience as well, if I’ll only stop long enough…be present long enough… to allow each moment to consume me/teach me/envelope me in it’s magic.

The truth is, she makes it easy.


Wishing you a day filled with magical moments.


Linking up to the WP Photo Challenge of the week: Ephemeral

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7 Comments on “Fleeting Moments

    1. Exciting for her *and us 🙂 Love watching her learn and grow every day <3

  1. A wonderful time of life watching them discover all that life has to offer. You are right – it goes far too quickly.

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