1,461 days
1, 055 blog posts
6, 129 comments
500,000 + visitors
This little blog of mine was born on Feb 20, 2011 with a post titled Beginnings.
Which makes today my official Blogiversary 🙂
It really has been a jam-packed, completely amazing four years!
I’ve written a bunch of posts, met countless inspiring people, have been caught by surprise when someone in my real life brings up something I’ve written in this space, and have learned so much about this homesteading journey we’re on!
I share these stories, hard won tips and tricks, hopes, and dreams so we might connect with one another across space, time and this funny thing called the Internet…so we might find some shared experiences, a common thread or two, a validation that we are not alone in this world or on this path, even when it might feel lonely.
What a ride it’s been.
Chickens and bees and goats and food and soil, oh my!
While I can’t honestly say where the next four years will take us, the intention of this space was to create a beautiful landing spot that inspires others immediately upon arrival. I believe that each of us are capable of growing our food and making a positive impact on our environment as a whole and on our individual lives each and every day, with each choice that we make.
I believe that by sharing information and being part of a community of like-minded people, we can lift each other up.
Despite my incredible learning curve in regards to how to run an actual blog, at it’s core, this space has been about sharing our journey, twists, turns, bumps, bruises, and all.
If you’ve been with me since the beginning, Thank You. You are my hero.
If you’re just joining me, Welcome. Pull up a seat and stay for a while.
This Ever Growing journey of ours really is still at it’s beginnings, even a thousand+ posts in, and I am so very honored to share this space and time with you.
Hi! I found your blog through Lori @County City Me. What a lovely job you do here. I, too, am trying to connect through my blog. My Facebook page My Small Garden Paradise has brought me in contact with many wonderful people. I wish you well on the future of your journey. I look forward to sharing it with you!
Nancy 🙂
Welcome, Nancy! Thank you for popping over and following along! So fun to connect with like-minded people through the Internet, isn’t it?!