Everything Else - Family


Ever have one of those weeks that leave you feeling as though you’ve been hit by a train?  Yeah…it’s a thing, right?

So, did I actually get hit by a train?  Nope.

It was a new job!

Yes, yes, a new job is a good thing!  A very good thing! And, it’s also incredibly exhausting to figure everything out!  However, I am so very excited to be working for this itty bitty organization because they have done such good for our community in the past and because I am confident I can not only contribute to that goodness, but deepen and expand that goodness by taking it all to a whole new level of service.

So, in addition to the holidays which are right around the bend (I’m not quite sure how those crept up on me so quickly), I’m working my tail off in my new position.  This all means that this space and social media will probably take a back seat for a bit while I find my new equilibrium and spend excess time (what’s that?! 😉 ) focusing on our little family.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to disappear on you, I just won’t be posting several times a week or holding any giveaways for a little bit.  My posting will be more organic, following the ebb and flow of ours days and weeks instead of continuing at the feverish pace it’s taken on over the past year or so.

I will, however, be consistently posting to Instagram because I love it.  So, you can catch up with me (us) there.  And, if you’re on Instagram, leave me your handle in the comments below and I’ll check out your feed!  Pictures are the best 😉

The timing is perfect, really.  With the Winter Solstice upon us and the New Year right around the corner…the lengthening of days…the feeling of renewal…being present in each moment, for and with each other, is where it’s at, Friends.

It really is.


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