1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm
House & Home

1821 Hacienda Home Tour ::: Living Room

If you’ve seen our Kitchen and our Dining Room, you know by now that all of the rooms in our hacienda are quite large, right.  Well, let me just tell you that, at ~475 square feet, our Living Room alone is larger than the little studio apartment my oldest daughter and I lived in for five years when she was little, so while it might seem big to some, it feels huge to me!

Similarly to our Dining Room, we’ve set up the Living Room in three different areas/zones.  There’s the Fireplace/Reading Area, the TV Nook, and the Winged Back View.

When you walk into the Living Room from the Dining Room you have the TV Nook to your right, the Fireplace/Reading Area to your left and the Winged Back View almost straight ahead.

We’ll start with the Fireplace/Reading Area where we have a fairly comfortable couch that was given to us through a relative of one of Kim’s co-workers.  Free = Total score! It faces the fireplace, has my dad’s handmade coffee table in front of it and a stand up light behind it which gives ample light for reading while warming your toes 🙂

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

Against the backside of the Fireplace/Reading Area, we have our Winged Back View. The two winged back chairs were found at a storage shed sale for super cheap and had apparently just been thrown away by some law firm before being fished out of the dumpster by our sales lady.  We cleaned them up and stabilized their legs and they’re good as new!  Both chairs face to two large windows that look out over the lawn area outside and out onto the field beyond.  Gorgeous sunrises and nice peaceful views.

We’ve recently moved my old desk under one of the windows to offer me a nice view of the property while I work from time to time when the mood allows 🙂

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

If you’re sitting in the winged back chairs, our official front door is to your right.  While we don’t enter and exit through those doors, our guests do (we come in through the Kitchen since parking is on the side of the Hacienda).  The little patio outside those doors leads to the lawn area and the field beyond and is also where we store all of our firewood.  Yes, the doors really are painted purple 😉

The chest of drawers you see next to the doors was found at a thrift shop, is quite hilarious (though it fits nicely with the house) and holds many of our fabric napkins and table cloths as well as some random art supplies.  You’ve heard me talk about the lack of storage here, right. Right.

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

Now, if you’ll recall, the TV Nook (which is ~9 feet by 14 feet) is to the right of the Dining Room door when you’re coming from the Dining Room.  It’s a tiny little space that works perfectly as a nook and nicely separates the TV area from the rest of the Living Room.  In this space we have our fancy new Living Room Set: a fold out (Queen sized) couch, a chair and a half, an ottoman, and a new rug.

We settled on a fold out couch because the house has only one bedroom, so it was necessary for guests.  Additionally, the configuration of our little TV Nook easily converts into a mini Guest Room by automatically offering a bit of privacy for our guests.  Plus, the fact that the Living Room has doors that lead into every other room that can be closed essentially turns the whole Living Room into a Private Guest Quarters 🙂

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

1821 Hacienda - Living Room ::: Ever Growing Farm

There you have it!  Our massive Living Room, busted up into three different spaces.  I’m honestly not sure I could pick a favorite space in our Living Room since they all offer different experiences.  We really struggled with how to configure a Living Room out of ~475 square feet and virtually no furniture but finally decided to go for cozy, intimate spaces within the larger space.

I think we achieved it…what do you think?


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One comment on “1821 Hacienda Home Tour ::: Living Room

  1. Just reading it gives me a warm glow. Would I care if A doesn’t match B doesn’t match C? The comfort, friendliness and heart you put into your living room make it alive and welcoming. Nice blog.

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