365 Grateful ::: Ever Growing Farm
Everything Else

365 Grateful ::: Days 1-4

In looking for a bit of a Perspective Shift towards a more appreciative way of life, and thoroughly inspired by HaileyBe, I’ve decided to take on the 365 Grateful Challenge as a sort of daily meditation in gratitude.

My love of photography, coupled with my love of Instagram and the quick (though intentional) nature of the 365 Grateful Challenge all lend themselves nicely to each other and to the chaos that has become my life these past several months.

As time and life permit, I also intend to bring the photos I post on Instagram into this space as a way of keeping a permanent record of all of the small moments that add up to a larger appreciation of my life and the lovely people within it!

If you’re on Instagram and would like to join in the gratitude, I’d love to follow along! Just leave your handle in the comments below so I can find you.

365 Grateful - Days 1-4

1/365 – A phenomenal sunset and a quiet moment to pause and appreciate it!

2/365 – Rusty leaves, bright blue skies, and the warm sun on my back!

3/365 – This friendship! Love, love, love!

4/365 – Gifted (extra creamy and delicious) coffee in a gorgeous mug on a chilly fall morning.

Now it’s your turn…What have you been grateful for recently?


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