Everything Else - Family

Quiet Around Here…

Whew…Hi everyone!

I thought I’d pop in and give you a quick glimpse into the madness of our lives over the past two weeks since our move from our urban farm out to the boonies (well, relative boonies for us)!

Being elbow deep in boxes and organization…selling one house and trying to make another…chasing after Sprout (who’s almost ONE, can you believe it?!) and adjusting to living in the peace and quiet of not-the-city…being without internet or cable…I’m feeling a bit out of the loop!

I will have to say, though, this whole move has allowed me a bit of space to reflect on where we are as a family and where we really want to be…not just physically, but emotionally as well. Quite a twist we’ve put ourselves in here…a huge learning curve…for which I believe we will all be incredibly grateful for in the end!

But enough with the chatter! Here’s your unedited glimpse at the chaos of our lives over the past two weeks (with a smattering of cute, though a bit blurry, baby smiles and gorgeous architecture thrown in for good measure):












With boxes still in several corners and clothes everywhere, we’re doing our best to get creative with the storage challenges that an 1821 Hacienda lays forth.  With a small shed in the backyard to house our seasonal items, tools and camping misc., though, we’re well on our way to living in a functional house…though the delivery of our Living Room furniture in the next week or so will be so.very.nice since we’ve been sitting on fold out chairs and the floor since the move!

I’m thinking that, once we have everything pulled together, a little photo tour of the house and property might be in order!  What do you think?

Alright, back to boxes and baby wrangling!  Hope you’re having a wonderful day, whatever it is you’re doing 🙂


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3 Comments on “Quiet Around Here…

  1. Oh my goodness, just catching up with you…such exciting times for your family! Your new (old) place looks absolutely beautiful and so full of character. Looking forward to a tour. (And happy first birthday to your sweet little one!)
    Ngo Family Farm recently posted…What has the world come to??My Profile

    1. Jaime! Long time, no chat! I must catch up with you, too 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to <3

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