Life begins... ::: Ever Growing Farm
Homesteading - House & Home

The Way Forward

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.
~Marla Gibbs

Three nights ago, while enjoying a movie, a beer, and some popcorn, Kim showed me an ad on Craigslist for an itty bitty writers cabin for rent 20 minutes north of town.  Well, if you know me, you know I’ve been joking regularly about selling it all, heading for the hills and living in a tiny home…So, I emailed the guy and asked for more details.

After a couple of emails back and forth I learned that the cabin was still being worked on (ready by October 1st), had the opportunity for a work/rent trade (for the right person and the right price) and its tenants would have access to do whatever they wanted with the 1.5 acres it sits on…So, we scheduled a time the next morning to drive out and see it.

The whole thing was completely spur of the moment (not my kind of thing, honestly) and really just a fact finding mission…What’s available in the area…how small is too small…yada yada yada.

Well, let me tell you right off the bat, the cabin was too small.  Not too small for a single person or even a young couple, but definitely too small for two ladies, a baby, two large dogs and two cats.

Rocking Horse Ranch Hacienda

The property, however…Oh, the property was breathtaking!  A total of ~6 acres, lined by 100 year old trees, and (here’s the kicker) with water rights!

So, we walked the property to see it all and talked about our dreams and visions for our individual futures and found that the landowners visions for the property are square in line with our personal visions of owning a farm, working the land and involving the community in any and every way that we can.

We also talked about another rental on the property that is much larger (a section of the original Hacienda that measures in at ~2,000 sq.ft) , has it’s own backyard and that also could have access to more of the property given the right tenants.

Two hours later, Kim and I climbed into the truck with our heads swimming with possibilities.  We swam back and forth between sitting in silent reflection and talking at warp speed about all of the potential.  We also threw some points in there about how crazy it was that we were even considering such a huge shift in our lives!  Because, you know, there’s already been so.much.transition for us over the past year and a half and who needs more of that right now?!

Rocking Horse Ranch

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.
~Alan Alda

Yesterday found us back out at the property (with our dear friends who were visiting us from Colorado) to have another look, ask a few more questions and, I think, to decide how truly insane we are as a couple and as individuals (I’m only sorta kidding about the insanity part).

And then we wrote a check for the deposit on the apartment.

And then I called a Realtor to help us sell our house…

To sell our Urban Farm…

To sell the only real home we’ve known together…the home we have invested so.much.time and energy into…the home where Sprout was born not even a year ago…

Because it feels right.

Because sometimes you just have to leap and trust that the net will appear.

Rocking Horse Ranch Hacienda-back yard

When you have a dream that you can’t let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. But remember: Real dreams take work, They take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you’re willing to do that.
~Harvey Mackay

And so we are on day three, still swimming in this crazy decision we’ve made…with so many unknowns running right out in front of us.

And yet…

And I say this honestly, though I cannot explain it thoroughly…

I am not afraid of this path we’ve chosen.

Despite the massive amount of work that must be done in the next three weeks…

Despite the other responsibilities we are committed to following through on…

This “concrete sequential” planner who insists on having all her ducks in a row before taking another step is actually feeling quite amazing…

and hopeful…

and trusting.

And let me tell you why…

Because it just feels right…

and because the possibilities are endless…

and because we’ve finally decided to stop dreaming and start acting.

This is the way forward.


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22 Comments on “The Way Forward

  1. I am eager to see what you accomplish at your new place. Serendipitous, for sure!!

  2. Oh, I am so excited for you! How I wish I could convince my husband to do the same. I am dying to move to our 20 acres of farmland, I don’t mind living in a tent!
    You will have so much fun, and everything will work out great because you are doing what is right in your heart.
    Good luck!
    Lee @ Lady Lee’s Home recently posted…The Cheapest Way to Pave a DrivewayMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! It is working out to be quite the adventure! And yes, if I had 20 acres of farmland, I’d be itching to get out to it, too!!! Hmmm…maybe we can conspire to convince your Hubby 😉

  3. Oh my gosh- I am so incredibly happy for you and your family. My family and I tried living in the dead center of the desert, where water had to be delivered in order to survive, to Ohio which was crazy since I’ve been an Arizona native all my life, then back to Arizona where we finally found our 1/2 acre farm, and a very forgiving landlady and neighbors that tolerate our many chickens, and the fact that all work on the farm has ceased because I am facing a second brain surgery, for a rare disorder, this time all the way to Pittsburgh, where the experts on it will hopefully relieve my wretched pain. After I heal my husband, a disabled Army veteran, is going to need spinal surgery. It has not been anything like the journey we envisioned – really who would want to think that instead of tending a garden I can barely walk the length of our house, but our two young children have been wonderful and patient, even though every time they ask for a fun outing or even a trip to the park I have to say no. Sorry, I didn’t mean to crap all over your good news. I am incredibly happy that you are making your move! Getting out of the city is so fantastic, and is still something our family and friends have never quite understood- but living in a subdivision in a cookie cutter house has never fit our dreams. I can’t want to see how much you will learn and share considering the amazing amount of growth you’ve achieved on your urban farm. Congratulations, and best wishes!

    1. Wow, Tracy! What a full (and challenging) life you’ve had up until now! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing a bit about yourself and all you’re up against. I will hold you and your husband in my thoughts as we make our way from this home to the next in the hope that you will also find new opportunities around the bend <3 Please thank you husband for his service and know that I thank you, too, for your support and love of him through his service.

  4. Oh my, this just made my adrenaline spike! Seriously, I daydream of jumping into something like this headfirst. I’ll be following along; watching your journey unfold may help me gain the courage I’ll need if I ever decide to seek more than my urban homestead. I am so excited for you. 🙂
    Andrea recently posted…Short Absence, Big ChangesMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Angela! We’re very excited and still pretty shocked that we are *actually doing this! Crazy!

    1. Thank you so much! This should be quite the adventure!

  5. Congrats!!! This is so exciting and I’m so happy for you guys!!

    1. Thank you, Ashley! And thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration!

    1. Such an extreme change, Daphne! I really am spinning with all the changes ahead of us! No doubt there will be some intense challenges, but the possibilities really are endless!

    1. Thanks, Kris! I already have so many plans formulating in my head…I’m going to have to practice some restraint for a bit, I think 😉

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