Food Storage & Preservation

An Organized Pantry

…is a happy pantry.

Or, at the very least, it makes for a couple of happy ladies who need to use said pantry

Now, I will spare you the before pictures here because 1) no one needs to see that and 2) I forgot to take them (I know, bad blogger).

See, cleaning the pantry was actually not on my to-do list today…it just kind of happened.  And cleaning the pantry is one of those things that, once started, cannot be stopped until completed.

It’s also one of those things that leads to other things…

Like washing all of the mason jars…

And like organizing said mason jars on the shelves in the garage…

Which of course led to organizing another few shelves in said garage with all of our food preservation tools in anticipation of actually preserving some food this year since we now know what we need!

Thank goodness I didn’t have the energy left in me to organize the whole garage because…well…you don’t need to see that either!

However, now that we’re all organized, it is very, very clear that we do not need to make a single jar of jam this year because we probably have no less than 50 jars to plow through over the next year!

Really.  I’m not kidding.  Holy jams!!!

So, without further ado, the organized pantry…

Organized pantry
The right hand side of the pantry…
Organized Pantry
The left hand side of the pantry…
Organized Pantry
A straight on view of the pantry…
Organized Pantry & Canning Jars
Another happy shot of all our jars and the few leftover stores from 2013

Whew! Now it’s time to put my feet up and enjoy what’s left of the day! Thanks goodness for the weekend, ha? 😉


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7 Comments on “An Organized Pantry

  1. That looks great! I seem to be forever organizing my pantry. Seems like every time I buy something or can something, I need to rearrange everything.
    Bettie recently posted…Canning Green BeansMy Profile

    1. LOL…I hear you! It’s like a constant game of Tetris!

  2. I find that I have to organize my pantry a couple times a year. It is the one room that gets the most traffic and it is surprising how things can get lost in there. I know when I organized the last time, and before I started the canning season, I realized I didn’t need to make a couple things since I still had plenty. Now I have to get in there again now that canning season is almost done and things need put away until next year.
    Tracy @ OurSimpleLifeSC recently posted…Self-Sufficient Homesteading in 10 Easy StepsMy Profile

  3. Looks great! I’m impressed by all your canned goods and preserves. It just makes you feel so much better to have things clean and neat, doesn’t it? I’m working on my pantry right now too. We added an extra shelf, I’m purging and of course beautifying 🙂
    Megan @ restoring the roost recently posted…Sweet SummertimeMy Profile

  4. I seem to have tons of jam but I am going to make Plum Jam this afternoon as I have near on 100lbs of plums on the tree this year, Be warned every body it is Plum Jam I will use as christmas presents.I am letting the neighbours pick and use the rest of the plums. I am really jealouse of all jor shelves mines in boxes in the garage [which could really do with a clear out]

    1. It seems as though that’s the way, doesn’t it? Ah well…I guess there are worse thing! 😉

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