Everything Else

Two 30 Day Challenges (AKA I May Have Lost My Mind Somewhere…)

Because I love a challenge…

Because I don’t (apparently) have enough to do already (with Sprout, the Farm, my part-time job and the Local Bite Challenge)…

I have signed up for not one, but two new challenges for the month of June!

Yes, I really may have lost my mind.  If you find it laying around somewhere, just throw it back to me 😉

So, what are these challenges and why the heck have I signed up for them?


First, we have the FLX/Wordcount Blogathon which is challenging me to write a blog post every single day for the month of June.  30 days, 30 posts.

“Why?” You might ask.  Well, here’s the deal…Blogging is hard.  It takes time, energy, and intention.  It involves the actual writing and editing, it involves picture taking and editing, it involves promoting and participating in others’ blogs (via commenting, sharing, etc.). It can, at times, feel very exciting.  It can, at times, feel quite cumbersome.

At my core, I love blogging.  I love sharing the knowledge we’ve gained on our little farm.  I love asking questions and reading your responses.  I love offering awesome giveaways.  I love taking a billion pictures of our crazy chickens just to find a few shots that are actually blog worthy.

However, some of this love has gotten lost over the past several months and I am hoping to get it back through this challenge thorugh writing and picture taking and not taking myself so seriously all.the.damn.time!  Wish me luck!


Second up is the Rewild Your Life Challenge, which encourages us all to get outside every single day for 30 minutes in the month of June.

While this may seem easy peasy because it’s just 30 minutes and we’re plowing head on into summer here, the challenge for me personally will be to spend 30 minutes outside intentionally.

So, what does “intentionally” mean?  It means, drinking my tea outside…or going on a hike…or going fishing…or meditating in our garden…

It means not just being in nature, but being present in the moment while doing so.

Now, just as a disclaimer, please don’t expect novels to be written every single day this month, but do expect something new in this space every single day.   I have not decided yet how I will track all of this, but you’ll know it when you see it over the next 30 days.

Oh!  And some days, you just might find two published posts coming out of me because I just have so much to share…And because, please remember, I’m doing not one, not two, but three challenges this month when you factor my very own Local Bite challenge 🙂

So, what do you say?  Care to come along for the ride?


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5 Comments on “Two 30 Day Challenges (AKA I May Have Lost My Mind Somewhere…)

  1. I haven’t started a blog because I don’t think I have the dedication and time involved in building a successful one…Good luck with that challenge…I work on a web based site, and I know what a challenge it can be…the outdoor challenge should be a pleasure to attempt! I know I am happy to be getting outdoors more now that the weather is cooperating!

  2. Hmm… I have a very neglected blog… perhaps I’ll take up the challenge with you 🙂

  3. Getting outside like that is a good challenge. Being outside in nature is supposed to be one of the things that makes us happy. Though admittedly there sometimes isn’t a lot of nature in the city. Luckily here there are some nice places to walk. And since my daughter dumped her dog on me for the summer, I’ll be outside walking an hour everyday. If I want to or not.
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