With the warm days of Spring officially upon us, we are all trying to spend more time in the garden.
Yes, there are things that have to get done (like plant out all of the beds, fix all the drip irrigation, tidy up, introduce the Newbies to our flock, break a broody hen, fill all the bird feeders and pull weeds), but they can be done slowly. With intention, not anxiety. Because, more importantly than all of the “have-to’s” and “shoulds” and general pressures we put on ourselves to get it all done right now, there really is time to just be spent enjoying the fresh breeze. There is time for the warmth of the sun on our backs and Sprout’s first experiences with wind and clucking chickens and the texture of the straw that goes straight into her mouth. Yes, there are things that have to get done, but there is time for all of it.
There is time for all of it because, truly, time is all we have.