Everything Else - Grow


Eggs from our backyard chickens!

Rhubarb sprouting

Apple blossom bud

Apricot buds

Curious chickens

leftover garlic re-sprouting from Summer 2013

With Spring officially upon us, I can feel the veil of winter slowly lifting off of me.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love winter. I love all four seasons we get here for different reasons.

Winter can provide a time of rest and reflection. This winter has allowed me to crawl inside of myself a bit, to reflect on all I’ve accomplished and all that I plan to work towards in the coming seasons and years ahead. Winter gave me the gift of quiet evenings with my family, lots of cups hot tea and more than a few bowls of stew.

Life stands before me...

Spring, however, is going to allow me the space to crack out of this shell I’ve carefully created around myself in anticipation of the immense changes that are ahead. Spring 2014 marks the end of decade long devotion to changing the world by empowering our children through the safety of an established organization. Spring 2014 marks the creation of my own small business…of leaping and trusting that the net will appear…of trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone and straight into my learning zone. Spring 2014 will bring an incredible challenge emotionally, spiritually and physically that will remain unseen by most.

Spring 2014 will also bring an actual, tangible challenge in the form of a 100 day local eating challenge I am calling Local Bite which I’m teasing you with now…but trust me, I’ll share all of the details on March 31st!

And, of course, Spring will bring flowers and life and lots of ideas and hard work in the garden and with the chickens in preparation for what I hope to be our most fruitful season yet.

Cheers to re-growth, new growth and all that lies ahead!


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One comment on “Spring!!!

  1. I’m very excited to read about the upcoming venture in your life and career. I’m sure you are feeling very anxious. Also, awesome on the 100 day local food challenge! I’ve wanted to do something like that. 🙂

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