Master Tonic/Fire Cider Pulp
DIY - Eat - Food Storage & Preservation

Master Tonic / Fire Cider Pulp Uses

So you made your Master Tonic (or Fire Cider, as it’s also called) on the New Moon and are straining it with the Full Moon, but what on Earth will you do with all of that leftover pulp?!

I’ll tell you, when I strained our first batch a couple of months ago, I was determined to not waste a bit of the amazing Fire Cider pulp that was leftover! I painstakingly placed the pulp into ice cube trays and promptly froze them before placing them in large freezer bags for long-term storage.

I thought I’d have many uses for them, but have honestly come up a bit short! So, I contacted Pat from Heal Thyself! and asked her to pose the question on her (very popular) facebook page, “How do you use your Master Tonic / Fire Cider pulp?” Here’s what her community said:

  • Dehydrate it and throw it in soups and stews
  • Make raw dehydrated “crackers”
  • Use it as a Nacho topping
  • Add it to bone broth
  • Use it as a condiment on sandwiches
  • Blend it with olive oil and marinate meats with it
  • Mix it into green smoothies
  • Add it to your Bloody Mary
  • Use it as a marinade
  • Use it as a salad dressing

Then, I did some Google searches and came up with these ideas from the comments on this post: Natural Remedies: Master Tonic Recipe:

  • Add 1/2 teaspoon to 1/8 cup water, gargle and swallow when sick
  • Toss it in with your compost!

And another few from Fertile Ground:

  • Add it to meatloaf, stir fry or spring rolls!

Now, no matter how you use it, here are my top two recommendations for saving your Master Tonic / Fire Cider pulp:

  1. When freezing it in ice cube trays, cover them up with plastic wrap or put the entire trays into bags.  The pulp smells very pungent and that smell will take over pretty much everything else in your freezer and possibly everything in your fridge as well!
  2. Do not dehydrate the pulp inside your house during the cooler months.  The smell, again, will take over your entire home.  However, not only will it smell pungent, it can also burn your eyes.  If you want to dehydrate your pulp, I’d recommend doing so outside.

There you have it!  15 uses for all that leftover pulp!!!  I’ve found some good ideas for myself and hope you have, too!  Now, did I miss anything?  How do you use your pulp?  Please share your tips and tricks in the comments below!


Linking up to The Homesteaders Hop #5, Homestead Barn Hop #152, Homemade Mondays #73

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5 Comments on “Master Tonic / Fire Cider Pulp Uses

  1. Hey how long does the strained pulp last in the fridge? I’m assuming the fact that it’s been sitting in vinegar previously will help it last long?

    1. You know, I don’t actually know as we froze ours in ice cube trays so we could use just a bit at a time! Sorry I can’t be of more help!

  2. I just dehydrated a batch of Fire Cider pulp (wish I would’ve read your tip about not doing it inside before!! Whew! The whole house smelled!). I then ground it up as fine as I could and I”m thinking about putting it in capsules. A few in my family are not as keen on drinking it as I am, and this will be a way to get then to take it when ill. My hope is that it will be nearly as beneficial as the liquid finished product.

    1. OOhhh, I really like the idea of turning the pulp into capsules! I’ll drink the tonic, but I don’t like it…at all…so this sounds like a perfect alternative to me!

  3. This information was great Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It is perfect since I grow all the ingredients and ferment my own cider vinegar.

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