
Cute Chicks

Everyone loves itty bitty chicks and their fluffy butts, right?

Well, it’s officially that time of year…the time when all us urban farmers are scrambling for our next flock of backyard chickens!  You either get ’em while they’re itty bitty and hand raise them up or you wait until they are pullets and much closer to laying age.

If you choose the latter you don’t have to deal with poopy butts or stinky indoor brooders, but if you choose the former you get the distinct pleasure of fluffy softness, curious gazes and the running around of the cutest chicks you might ever see (this season, at least).

So, with a new batch of Newbies in the house, I decided to stage a bit of a photo shoot (who can resist?) inside of one of my favorite harvest baskets (yes, it’s been scrubbed out).  

Out takes from said photo shoot are below for your viewing pleasure…Don’t worry, though, no chicks were harmed during this session! Bo the Cat was just standing in as Security in case any of the Newbies tried to make a break for it! 😉

Cute Chicks 12

Cute Chicks 14

Cute Chicks 11

Cute Chicks 9

Cute Chicks 7

Cute Chicks 3

Cute Chicks 2

Cute Chicks 13

Can you handle the cuteness?

Well, if you’ve made it this far, I’d like to ask you for a bit of help!  See The Cute Chicks are pulling together their debut album but can’t seem to figure out what to title it!  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, just leave them in the comments below 🙂

Cute Chicks - Name that Album

Thanks in advance!!!


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