Since I covered EDCs, EDC Bags and a Work Emergency Kit last year, I figure the next step is to talk about a 72 hour emergency kit (also known as a Bug Out Bag, Go Bag and Get Out of Dodge Bag).
Last Christmas we were given this 72 hour emergency kit for four. The purpose of a 72 hour emergency kit is to help you and your family get through a 72 hour period if you have to evacuate your home. Â It is essentially a short term kit that holds some food and water and a few other essentials.
Let’s look for a moment at what came in our kit, then we’ll look at what can be easily added to make this basic 72 hour emergency kit  better:
- Backpack
- 4 – 2400 Calorie Food Bars
- 4 – Solar Blankets
- 24 – Pouches of Water
- 4 – Dust Masks
- 4 – Ponchos
- 1 – Flashlight
- 2 – Alkaline “D” Batteries
- 1 – 2 Person Tent
- 1 – 50′ Nylon Cord
- 1 – 12 Hr. Light Stick
- 1 – 54 Piece First Aid Kit
- 50 – Water Purification Tablets
- 50 – Waterproof Matches
- 1 – Utility Knife
- 1 – 5 N 1 Whistle/Compass
- 1 – AM/FM Radio with Batteries
- 1 – Camper’s Stove
- 1 – Pair Leather Palm Gloves
Problems I see with this kit:
- The bag all of the stuff came in was itself, not very exciting due to the fact that it has SURVIVAL KIT right there on the bag!  I mean, really, if the shit hits the fan, I don’t really want or need to announce that I’m carrying an actual survival pack to everyone under the sun!
- All in all it is a good starter kit (especially considering the price), but there are definitely a few items that can be added to it to make it better. Keep in mind, you may already have some of these items in your EDC Bag, which would be grabbed in the case of an emergency as well.
How to make it better:
- A bigger, nondescript backpack
- Extra batteries
- Another flashlight (and/or a headlamp or small LED flashlights like the ones in the picture above, under the batteries)
- A better compass
- Duct tape
- Paracord
- The weapon of your choosing
- A multi-tool
- A Lighter
- A more extensive First Aid Kit
- Extra clothes (preferably layer-able)
- Bungee cords
- A couple of bags of nuts
- Ziplock bags
- GPS/maps/atlas
- Mobile phone
- Hat/gloves/sunglasses
- Hygiene items (wipes, soap/hand sanitizer, sunblock, deodorant…)
- Copies of identifying information (IDs/passports, Birth Certificates, etc). Â Hard copies or scanned in and on a zip drive.
- A small sewing kit
- A notepad and a pen
- Cell phone and charger
Keep in mind that some of the above items (and more) might already be in your EDC Bag.
Also remember, your 72 hour emergency kit is meant to help you and your family through an emergency situation for a few days, not forever.  Keep it full of necessities and easy to pack items that aren’t too heavy or frivolous.  Keep it simple and accessible.  If possible, keep a few of them (one for the car, one for home, one for work) so no matter where you are when/if SHTF, you are prepared.
Now, please tell me about your 72 hour emergency kit. Â Have I forgotten anything you might consider essential?
This is a very informative, creative and useful blog. Thank you for sharing this! Great work!
Great list! I’d also recommend tinfoil and a bandana. A thousand and one uses for both of those and they take up very little space.
Know Prepare Survive recently posted…How to Choose the Best Bug Out Bag Backpack
Tinfoil! Yes, great addition! And I have a bandana! Not sure how it didn’t make the list! Thank you 🙂
Glad we could help!
Know Prepare Survive recently posted…My Favorite Prepper Hack
I love it. I’m starting to mine for my family. I want to include everything you have in yours. You have some great ideas. But I’m including toilet paper in mine. 🙂
My wife has put together similar but think we are lacking a few good items you’ve pointed out. I couldn’t help but laugh about the words “survival kit” on the bag. They should have re-thought that one!
Dan recently posted…Leatherman Super Tool 300 Review
Lol…right, Dan? Geez…sometimes people amaze me with their silliness!
What a great post! We sooooooo need to do this and get a kit together. Nice to know there are some out there you can order and then add to- I like your suggestions. We too are working more on preparedness but I need to get my homesteading basics down first!
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