NM Organic Farm Conference
Everything Else

New Mexico Organic Farming Conference

Today begins the New Mexico Organic Farming Conference and our next steps into the big, wide world of farming.

Granted, we have a tiny little plot of land right now and would hardly be called “farmers” by actual farmers, but our hearts are in this thing and so is our deep intention for a future made from the land.

This conference itself, with an attendance of ~650 people, will no doubt offer us a wealth of wisdom and experience that I am confident will help us right now on our tiny plot as well as on our future, eventual farm.

The workshops will address everything under the sun…from drought to bees to chickens to tree grafting to greenhouses, to soil management and beyond.  I have a feeling this is going to be a very full couple of days.  Plus, really, what’s farming about (whether urban or full on) if not networking and community?

I have no doubt that we are going to come home from this conference inspired in more ways than we can even imagine right now!  Stay tuned!


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2 Comments on “New Mexico Organic Farming Conference

    1. It was so much fun and i learned so much! I think I’ll actually have to do a series of posts to get all the info across 🙂

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