Meyer Lemon Recipe Extravaganza
DIY - Eat

Meyer Lemon Recipe Extravaganza

start your own lemon trees from seeds

Meyer Lemon Roasted Pears with Elderberry Glaze

 Cranberry Lemon Drop Biscuits

 dehydrating lemons

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will have seen that I received a very exciting package in the mail last week! It came at the end of a very long day and I was not feeling so hot. We were expecting several packages containing items for Sprout, so when I saw three packages on the doorstep, I simple brought them inside and went on about letting the dogs outside and starting dinner. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later that I went to see what items had actually arrived.

Much to my joy and surprise, one of the boxes was from my fellow homestead blogger Schneiderpeeps and contained the most gorgeous, fresh Meyer Lemons I have ever seen! A box full of perfect lemons for only the cost of shipping?!  See, sometimes the internet can be a truly magical thing!

Now, being a Native New Mexican (and only owning the tiniest of trees), never before have I had so many lemons sitting on my kitchen counter at once, so I thought I’d take some time to experiment with them, try out some new Meyer Lemon recipes and pull together a Round Up for you, Dear Readers, so you can do some experimenting of your own!  The links with the asterisk (*) are the ones I am actually trying so stay tuned for updates on our experiences!

Meyer Lemon Extravaganza - 16 recipes that will use up every last bit of your lemon bounty and leave you longing for more


Cranberry Lemon Drop Biscuits *

Gluten/Dairy/Egg Free Lemon Curd Tarts

Lemon Coconut Bars

Meyer Lemon Roasted Pears with Elderberry Glaze

Paleo Pumpkin Cheesecake

How to Make Candied Lemon Peels *


Meyer Lemon Fettucini

Chicken Under a Brick with Meyer Lemons *

Meyer Lemon Risotto

Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette *


Wintertime Power Shots *

Limoncello *

Lavender Meyer Lemon Tom Collins Cocktail


All About Lemons * – This post includes information on dehydrating lemons as well dehydrating the zest and using it to make both a lemon salt mix and lemon sugar mix!


An Infused Powerhouse Cleaner *

Start Your Own Lemon Trees From Seeds


15 Savory Lemon Recipes

Loving Lemon – 15 Sweet & Savory Recipes with Lemon

DIY Natural Room Scents *

I hope that these recipes will bring a bit of sunshine to your day regardless of what the weather is like outside!


Linking up to the Homestead Barn Hop #142,  Homemade Mondays #63, HomeAcre Hop #53, From the Farm, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, The Party Bunch-Week 13, Strut Your Stuff #130, Super Saturday Show & Tell #54

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5 Comments on “Meyer Lemon Recipe Extravaganza

  1. Pingback: Homesteading Blog Love #3 - Faulk Farmstead
  2. I hope you don’t mind another recipe, but this one is fantastic – Moroccan Preserved Lemons. The lemon flavor is more intense than anything I have ever tasted. We use them when cooking fish or other meats on the grill, or dice them small and in a salad. There are many, many other uses for these. Plus they will last a long time in the fridge.

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