grow light stand specs - sprout

Grow Light Stand – Specs

Seed starting under grow lights

grow light stand

grow light stand

grow light stand

grow light stand

grow lights - end view and surge protector

When I originally wrote about our brand new grow light stand a couple of years ago, we were such Newbies at this whole Urban Farming thing that I didn’t even think to give you some specifics! I was just really, really excited about the stand in general!  So after a few years of starting seeds in our laundry room and some interest in some of the details of our grow light stand was expressed by readers, I figured there’s no time like the present to share a few specifics!

Grow Light Stand Specs

  • Height: 90 inches
  • Width: 45 inches
  • Depth: 17 inches
  • Number of lights: 3 (~45 inches long)
  • Number of Bulbs: 12 (6 and 6)
  • Type of bulbs: Sunshine and Daylight (2 in each light)

This whole stand is actually three identical pieces that stack on top of each other, fitting together with dowels on each foot so they don’t slide. Each piece is 30 inches in height, 45 inches wide and 17 inches deep. So, if you only wanted to build one or two of the pieces and have a lower stand, this would be very doable.

Now, because this is a tall, heavy piece of equipment once all put together, please ensure that your stand is placed on an even surface and, if you deem it necessary, secure it to the wall using L brackets. Our stand is not secured to the wall currently, but with visions of our Little One crawling, climbing up on things and walking within the next year, securing our stand has been added to our list of Farm To-Dos.


  • Surge Protector – We have our surge protector hanging from a nail on the second level of our grow light stand so it is easy flip the light on and off each morning and night.
  • Adjustable Height of Lights – We used a chain (and a chain extension) to hold our lights up which allows us to slowly move them up (or down) in small increments as necessary depending on whether we are just starting seeds or have already up-potted some starts that aren’t quite ready to make their transition outside.

Want to learn more about starting your own seeds? Check out the book Seed Sowing and Saving to get some guidance on your seed starting journey.

Now it’s your turn! please tell me about your seed starting experiences in the comments below 🙂


Linking up to the Homestead Barn Hop #143, Homemade Monday #64, One Project at a Time, From the Farm, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, The HomeAcre Hop #54

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11 Comments on “Grow Light Stand – Specs

  1. That’s a pretty cool little stand! You could probably charge people money for one of these and have a nice little site business on your hands.

  2. Hi there! Love this post. I need a grow light so I can start some seeds next month. Thank you for sharing this.

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