DIY - Grow

Echinacea Tincture DIY

echinacea seeds and roots 3echinacea roots 7 echinacea roots 8 cut echinacea roots cut echinacea roots in vodka
echinacea tincture

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned harvesting Echinacea seeds…What I didn’t mention was that I also harvested some Echinacea roots to try my hand at my very first Echinacea Tincture!

As mentioned in the seed post, our Echinacea is in its third year and did absolutely amazingly last summer!  In addition to being full and beautiful, though, once your Echinacea is at least three years old, it becomes established enough to begin harvesting some of the roots for medicinal purposes.

So, using a garden fork, I chose one of the larger plants and gently lifted the roots out of the soil.  Well, I guess “gentle” might not be the best word because those roots were hanging on tight to their soil!  So, I should say, I was a gentle as possible while yanking some roots up out of the ground.  Once up, I gently shook off as much soil as possible back into the bed and filled in the hole that was left by the absent plant.

Now, you can choose to either harvest a few roots and then place the disturbed plant back in the soil or you can simply sacrifice the whole plant and harvest all of its roots at once. I chose the latter, because 1) I had to yank the thing out of the ground and 2) there is plenty of Echinacea in that bed, so I’m not worried about it filling back in.

Once I had my root ball in hand, I brought it inside and gently washed the remaining dirt from the roots and, using kitchen shears, cut the roots in to small pieces (maybe 1/4 inch) and placed them into a quart sized jar (the roots filled the jar up about 1/4 of the way).  I then poured 80 Proof Vodka over the roots to fill the jar, shook it and placed it on a shelf in our pantry.

Once in the pantry, all I had to do was to remember to shake it regularly!  After only two weeks it’s gone from a jar of roots and vodka to an actual tincture (as you can see in the last photo and the cover photo above)!

I will let the roots steep for another couple of weeks before filtering the tincture, but it already looks like an incredible tincture, so I’m sure it’ll help us (and our friends and family) get through cold and flu season as often as needed!

Now, if you don’t have Echinacea growing in your yard or don’t want to go through the trouble of digging up the roots yourself?  No worries! You can get Organic Echinacea Root here 🙂  However, I highly recommend growing your own Echinacea, even if it’s only for it’s beauty!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED – So, because we harvested so many seeds, the first…hmmm…let’s say…20 people to respond to this post with a comment and their email address will receive some of our seeds in the mail!  Yep, I will happily  mail away 20 packets of seeds to help spread the perennial beauty!  Don’t feel comfortable leaving your email in the comments?  Just leave me a comment here, then email me directly at evergrowingfarm (at) gmail (dot) com.  I’ll be in touch with everyone directly and then send all of the seeds out before the end of the year.


Linking up to Frugal Days, sustainable Ways #99 and The HomeAcre Hop

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50 Comments on “Echinacea Tincture DIY

  1. I went to buy purple coneflower today at the nursery, I used to have it return to my yard naturally but it’s been gone for years. Anyway I was so surprised at all the varieties. What is the best one to be using.

    1. Hi Patti! From :
      “Three species of echinacea are commonly used for medicinal purposes: Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea purpurea. Many echinacea preparations contain one, two, or even all three of these species.”
      Good luck!!!

    1. Hi Danica! Thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately, we’ve moved since this post went live and so my echinacea seed collecting has fallen away 🙁 If something changes, though, I’ll reach out here again to you and get your info 🙂

  2. I want to make sure I have the proper plants to start with.
    Thank you

    1. Yes, the proper plants are important for a delicious and healthy tincture! 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing this information. I ham going to get myself some coneflower seeds 😀

    1. You’re welcome! You’ll love growing echinacea! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for the link! It’s greatly appreciated 🙂

    1. Hi Erica! Thanks for popping by! I’ll email you directly 🙂

  4. Great site! Im a urban farmer in Albuquerque NM, i farm on my Neighbors yard because my is too small, We have a few medicinal plants in the garden, and would like to add more, i know you have reached your max of 20 seed packs, but if you have any spares i would love to have them!!

    1. Howdy Neighbor! So glad to “meet” a fellow New Mexican utilizing any space possible 🙂 Glad you found me! I’ll email you directly about the seeds 🙂

  5. Since this has alcohol in it, would it be safe for children? Does the alcohol evaporate like it does in cooking?

    1. Because this is alcohol, you will have to use your best judgement and do a little research to determine what is best for you and your family. However, in my web searches, I have found that some have substituted alcohol for high quality apple cider vinegar or for glycerin.

  6. Hi,
    I read your wonderful post about echinacea. I have some growing for years now and now because of you I will make the tincture. The question I have is what is the normal dosing per adult or child?
    Your site is awesome as well, I’ve got garlic and onions and during the summer I plant a piece of ginger to have fresh, also I have the horseradish. Plan on moving within the next couple years or so and can’t wait to start growing those wonderful herbs alongside my regular garden crops.
    Thank you.

    1. Phyllis, I have read that, as a good rule of thumb, homemade tincture can be taken by the 1/2 or 3/4 teaspoon full a couple of times a day (for adults). I have also read that you can take a child’s weight, divide it in half and give the child that many drops of tincture. Do a couple of Google searches, though, and decide what you think is best for you and your family 🙂

  7. Oh, I know this is so late . . . but I am so excited about the possibility of growing this herb. If you don’t have any seeds left, could you tell me what to order and where to order them?

    Many thanks! Great post!

  8. I’d love Echinacea seeds also. (if you have any left) This was very generous of you! 🙂

  9. Hey, I’m reply 20! Not including the responses from Beegirl, lol. What luck!
    I made bitters this year, it was a great experience. I used Brandy for the flavour so I think I’d do that again with the E. root. Thanks for the tutorial!
    My email’s listed with this comment, it’s Canadian but I have a US address for seed mail :D.

    1. YAY for being #20!!! I never thought of using brandy for this! brilliant!

  10. I just found your site and signed up for updates.
    I’ve been making my own tincture for many years, now. It surely does help! And, the plants do fill in nicely!
    Looking forward to ‘following’ you!

  11. Did I make the cut? I’d be so stoked to receive some! I don’t use it myself (it’s supposed to be not the best for auttoimmue issues, which I do have), but I make tea regularly for my boys & husband. It taste fab with a touch of honey, or even some rooibos added in (sweetens it too). Thanks for this post – I have some friends I’m gonna share it with.

  12. Great pics! Most echinacea tincture posts just use dried echinacea root rather than digging up the whole thing. I’m kicking myself for not doing this and the ground is frozen. If it thaws out again I will try and dig it up. I read somewhere to leave 20% of the roots for the following year.. and to harvest them after a frost (for whatever reason!?)

    Great informative post. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out!

    1. Yes, 20% of the roots so it might have the chance to recover from the trauma…and after the first frost so it’s on its way or already dormant, otherwise my guess would be that the plant wouldn’t recover.

  13. I used to have about 5 different colors of echinacea. They are probably still thriving at the house, which we sold five years ago. They were deep in snow, sadly, so I had to leave so many precious perennials behind. I’m slowly getting them replaced at our new residence. I would love to share your echinacea seeds! Pretty please!

  14. I am new to the growing season in Reno but am learning quickly that what I used to be able to grow year round in Oregon can be grown inside now. My next learning curve will be Echinacea. I want to learn to grow, harvest and make my own tea and tinctures.

    My question regarding your tincture is this – I’m HIGHLY allergic to alcohol. What happens to the Vodka after it is seeped? Is it still Vodka and has the qualities of Vodka? I know that I can cook with alcohol and it kills the spoors I’m allergic to. Does the same thing happen to the Vodka?

    Thank you for your help.

    Julie Stoddard

    1. Great question, Julie! I don’t have an immediate answer for you, but I will try to find one and get back to you!

    2. I asked my facebook community ( and the resounding answer is that the alcohol does not transform…it is still just alcohol. However, after a quick web search, I have found that some have substituted alcohol for high quality apple cider vinegar or for glycerin.

  15. I am just getting started with growing my own herbs and things….. I have 5 acres, and have plans for raising livestock, planting herbs, veggies, fruit trees, berry patches, and nut trees….Pheew!!! Too much work! These seeds would help get me started!

  16. I loved the blog! I always wanted to know what to do with echinacea. Great post! If you have any seeds left I would love to have some. Thanks, jen

  17. I would love some seeds. I will plant them, for sure. I have been thinking about them, but haven’t bought them yet. This would be great. I’ll email you.

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