Environmental Education - Reuniting Kids w/ Nature

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Photo Project


A digital camera, a natural or man-made object you have access to every day (a tree, flower, tomato plant, backyard chicken, a lamp…), a computer and permission to use it.


2 minutes each day for your own set period of time


  1. Every day for a set period of time (two weeks, two months, even two years f the item is a perennial or is able to be photographed over a long period of time), take a picture of one item.
  2. At the end of your set period, organize all of your photos into a folder on your computer and do whatever you like with them…creating a collage or a stop motion video are two fairly simple ideas.


Why did you choose your item?  How did your item change over time?  Were the changes subtle or dramatic?  How were you surprised by the changes that occurred?  Could you see them each day or did it take reflection and processing once your project was completed to fully understand the changes that occurred?


Sometimes, when we see something every day we begin to forget that it’s even there!  Watching something regularly, intentionally, allows you to really see it for it’s wonderful self!  There are textures and details contained within every single thing on our planet that many of us simply take for granted because we are too busy looking at the next thing or simply not looking at all! What are some things (people, plants, animals, etc.) that you could look a little more closely at?  How can you make the time to do so?
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