Hot Sauce DIY

Well, we have just completed our very first fermentation project!  With all of the Cayenne Peppers we grew this summer, I’ve been looking for ways to use them up and  (like I mentioned a little while back), Andrea’s Homemade, Homegrown Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce sounded like a perfect addition to our winter stores!

Following Andrea‘s directions, I filled two pint jars with our most recent harvest of Cayennes, a bit of salt, lots of garlic cloves (5 or 6 per pint) and some filtered water, capped them, shook them up and put them on the shelf in the pantry for two weeks.

When my waiting period was up, I dumped both pints into the blender and blended away! I then strained out the pulp and seeds, capped both pints again and put them in the fridge where they should last for up to a year!

Now, what will I use a pint and a half of hot sauce on?  Well, probably some chicken wings at some point, but first up will be my mom’s amazing (and super simple) Tuna Patties with her special sauce so stay tuned and get cracking on your own hot sauce so you can be ready when I post the recipe!
What’s your favorite way to use hot sauce?  Have you ever made your own before? Please feel free to share your experiences in the comments below!
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