
How to Re-Hydrate Dried Cranberries

Have you ever wanted to make a recipe with fresh cranberries only to find that cranberries aren’t in season or easily available?  Yeah, not fun, right? Luckily, it’s super simple to re-hydrate dried cranberries and they are pretty much always available!


  • Measure out the amount of cranberries needed for your recipe and pour them into a bowl or a pot
  • Pour enough hot water over the cranberries to cover them all
  • Cover your bowl or pot to keep in the heat
  • Let sit for 20-30 minutes
  • Pour off water* and strain the cranberries
  • Use just as you would fresh cranberries

Keep in mind:

3/4 cup dried cranberries = 1 cup re-hydrated cranberries

Water-wise tip:

When straining or rinsing foods, catch the water in a large bowl instead of letting it run down the drain, then water your compost pile with it!


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2 Comments on “How to Re-Hydrate Dried Cranberries

  1. Great tip! I have a cranberry bread recipe that I love, love, love!…but only make when cranberries are in season. 🙂 Now I can make it anytime of year! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope you’ll stop by again today 🙂

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