Environmental Education - Reuniting Kids w/ Nature

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Weather Chart


Construction paper (2 pieces), recycled paper, glue, tape or a stapler, markers, crayons or colored pencils


60 minutes + a few minutes each day


  1. Start by folding your two pieces of construction paper and folding them into quarters lengthwise (fold in half, then fold in half again).  These will become the columns where you will chart each type of weather.
  2. Next, take your two pieces of construction paper and tape them together, lengthwise
  3. Then, fold the bottom of one piece of paper up and tape the sides together (creating a pocket that is open at its top
  4. Now, take your recycled paper and cut it into little squares that will easily fit onto the columns of your chart.
  5. Think about the weather you see most in your area (Sunshine? Wind? Clouds? Snow? Rain) and decide on the four that occur the most regularly.
  6. Divide your small squares up evenly and draw on each your weather options on each one (so you’ll wind up with 15-20 suns, 15-20 rain clouds, etc).
  7. Place your weather options in the little pocket and hang up your weather chart somewhere you will see it everyday.
  8. At the end of each day, decide what your weather was like that day and tape or glue the appropriate weather picture in that column.


What patterns have you noticed about the weather where you live? Which type of weather is more prevalent right now?  How might your local weather change next season?


  • Imagine you lived somewhere that has completely different weather than you are used to?  How would you dress differently?  Act differently?  Plan differently?
  • You can combine your column for snow and rain if you live in a moist place that gets both!
  • Write your findings down in your nature journal!
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