A sturdy paper plate, paper, crayons or markers, scissors, yarn or string, a stapler or tape
30 – 60 minutes
- Draw a spiral on your paper plate and cut along the line you drew
- Decorate your paper plate however you like using your crayons or markers
- On your piece of paper, draw and cut out:
- a bunch of tiny frog eggs
- a tadpole
- a tadpole/frog
- a frog
- Staple or tape a piece of string (about 6 inches long) to each creation (eggs, tadpole, tadpole/frog and frog) then attach each to your paper plate spiral
- Attach a piece of string to the middle of your spiral so you can hang your mobile up!
Have you ever watched a frogs transformation? Where or how might you be able to do so?
If you live near a wetland, stream or river, go on a frog hunt…How many did you find? What colors were they? Were they easy to find or were they camouflaged?
Depending on the species of frog, the average frog can live between 5 and 17 years. However, the lifespan of a European Common Toad was documented at 40 years!!!
- Imagine living your life in different environments (like water and land)… do you think it would be easy or difficult to adapt?
- Imagine if, as a human, you moved from one environment to a completely different environment…how might you adapt?
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I totally love this series. Thank you for doing it.
Thank you, Cristy! I loved creating it and am so glad to know that you are enjoying it! Please feel free to share the activities with anyone you think might enjoy them as well 🙂